CSS seems to be stripped in production

Not sure if this is a vue issue or a netlify one. But when I send my app to prod and open it up, it seems the CSS has been removed, although all the classes in the HTML are there.

The site works perfectly fine locally. Just not live, I am not purging anything with purgecss (although I tried and still works ok locally but not live)

The repo can be found here: https://github.com/mrpbennett/beautify-url

This is my latest deployment:

10:39:25 AM: build-image version: ca811f47d4c1cbd1812d1eb6ecb0c977e86d1a1d
10:39:25 AM: build-image tag: v3.3.20
10:39:25 AM: buildbot version: 78b5536ab4f742c26705d3e953381b9cde6e22ef
10:39:26 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
10:39:26 AM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
10:39:26 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
10:39:26 AM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
10:39:26 AM: git clone https://github.com/mrpbennett/beautify-url
10:39:27 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
10:39:28 AM: Starting build script
10:39:28 AM: Installing dependencies
10:39:28 AM: Python version set to 2.7
10:39:29 AM: v12.18.0 is already installed.
10:39:30 AM: Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4)
10:39:30 AM: Started restoring cached build plugins
10:39:30 AM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
10:39:30 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.1, read from environment
10:39:31 AM: Using ruby version 2.7.1
10:39:32 AM: Using PHP version 5.6
10:39:32 AM: 5.2 is already installed.
10:39:32 AM: Using Swift version 5.2
10:39:32 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
10:39:32 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
10:39:32 AM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.14.4
10:39:52 AM: > yorkie@2.0.0 install /opt/build/repo/node_modules/yorkie
10:39:52 AM: > node bin/install.js
10:39:52 AM: CI detected, skipping Git hooks installation
10:39:52 AM: > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/core-js
10:39:52 AM: > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
10:39:53 AM: > ejs@2.7.4 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/ejs
10:39:53 AM: > node ./postinstall.js
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/fsevents):
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents):
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
10:39:54 AM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
10:39:54 AM: added 1278 packages from 876 contributors and audited 1284 packages in 21.742s
10:39:55 AM: 48 packages are looking for funding
10:39:55 AM:   run `npm fund` for details
10:39:55 AM: found 0 vulnerabilities
10:39:55 AM: NPM modules installed
10:39:56 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
10:39:56 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
10:39:56 AM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64
10:39:56 AM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64
10:39:56 AM: Installing missing commands
10:39:56 AM: Verify run directory
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
10:39:57 AM: │        Netlify Build        │
10:39:57 AM: └─────────────────────────────┘
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ❯ Version
10:39:57 AM:   @netlify/build 2.0.27
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ❯ Flags
10:39:57 AM:   deployId: 5f10204b58f63234f2876217
10:39:57 AM:   mode: buildbot
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ❯ Current directory
10:39:57 AM:   /opt/build/repo
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ❯ Config file
10:39:57 AM:   No config file was defined: using default values.
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ❯ Context
10:39:57 AM:   production
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
10:39:57 AM: │ 1. Build command from Netlify app │
10:39:57 AM: └───────────────────────────────────┘
10:39:57 AM: ​
10:39:57 AM: $ npm run build
10:39:57 AM: > vue-template@0.1.0 build /opt/build/repo
10:39:57 AM: > vue-cli-service build
10:39:58 AM: -  Building for production...
10:40:08 AM:  DONE  Compiled successfully in 9765ms9:40:08 AM
10:40:08 AM:   File                                 Size               Gzipped
10:40:08 AM:   dist/js/chunk-vendors.94b93425.js    96.63 KiB          34.82 KiB
10:40:08 AM:   dist/js/app.daacb71f.js              5.94 KiB           2.29 KiB
10:40:08 AM:   dist/css/app.7371301e.css            4.67 KiB           1.48 KiB
10:40:08 AM:   Images and other types of assets omitted.
10:40:08 AM:  DONE  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
10:40:08 AM:  INFO  Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html
10:40:09 AM: ​
10:40:09 AM: (build.command completed in 12.4s)
10:40:09 AM: ​
10:40:09 AM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
10:40:09 AM: │   Netlify Build Complete    │
10:40:09 AM: └─────────────────────────────┘
10:40:09 AM: ​
10:40:09 AM: (Netlify Build completed in 12.5s)
10:40:09 AM: Caching artifacts
10:40:09 AM: Started saving node modules
10:40:09 AM: Finished saving node modules
10:40:09 AM: Started saving build plugins
10:40:09 AM: Finished saving build plugins
10:40:09 AM: Started saving pip cache
10:40:09 AM: Finished saving pip cache
10:40:09 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Started saving go dependencies
10:40:10 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
10:40:12 AM: Build script success
10:40:12 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'dist'
10:40:12 AM: Creating deploy tree 
10:40:13 AM: Creating deploy upload records
10:40:13 AM: 0 new files to upload
10:40:13 AM: 0 new functions to upload
10:40:13 AM: Starting post processing
10:40:13 AM: Post processing - HTML
10:40:13 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
10:40:13 AM: Post processing - header rules
10:40:13 AM: Post processing done
10:40:13 AM: Site is live
10:40:29 AM: Finished processing build request in 1m3.588250913s```
1 Like

howdy, do you have a link to the site and maybe a screenshot of how it should look to compare it to?