Content from Faunadb not rendered on a nuxtjs project with netlify functions

I have this website developed with nuxtjs and netlify functions.

This is the repo on github.

I exposed the FAUNADB_SECRET_KEY in the nuxt.config.js just for testing to make sure that was not the reason causing the issue.

The website works correctly locally with netlify dev

When deployed on netlify with nuxt generate all the content retrieved from Fauna db is missing.

Only the static content is rendered, see an example here

The generate routes on nuxt.config.js file is correct, because all the dynamic routes are generated (logged on the build log).

The functions and the redirects to load the data in the page are working correctly. As an example this one is used on the homepage.

The only suspect I have on the build logs is that there are multiple instances of this warning:

1:08:08 PM: [log] socket hang up
1:08:08 PM:   at connResetException (node:internal/errors:692:14)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:478:23)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:539:35)
1:08:08 PM:   at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
1:08:08 PM:   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

Can this be related to the function calling the netlify function from the frontend or the netlify function calling the fauna db?

the full deploy log is here:

1:06:28 PM: Build ready to start
1:06:30 PM: build-image version: d2c6dbeac570350a387d832f64bc980dc964ad65 (focal)
1:06:30 PM: build-image tag: v4.8.0
1:06:30 PM: buildbot version: 17f6c1ab2fe6d61574ce02b038041b816bf6c085
1:06:30 PM: Building without cache
1:06:30 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
1:06:30 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
1:06:30 PM: git clone
1:06:31 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/main
1:06:32 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies
1:06:33 PM: Starting build script
1:06:33 PM: Installing dependencies
1:06:33 PM: Python version set to 2.7
1:06:33 PM: Downloading and installing node v16.15.0...
1:06:34 PM: Downloading
1:06:34 PM: Computing checksum with sha256sum
1:06:34 PM: Checksums matched!
1:06:36 PM: Now using node v16.15.0 (npm v8.5.5)
1:06:37 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
1:06:37 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
1:06:37 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
1:06:38 PM: Using ruby version 2.7.2
1:06:38 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
1:06:38 PM: No npm workspaces detected
1:06:38 PM: Started restoring cached node modules
1:06:38 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules
1:06:39 PM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 8.5.5
1:06:47 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
1:06:47 PM: npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
1:06:48 PM: npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
1:06:48 PM: npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
1:06:49 PM: npm WARN deprecated vue-analytics@5.22.1: Sorry but vue-analytics is no longer maintained. I would suggest you switch to vue-gtag, with love, the guy who made the package.
1:06:50 PM: npm WARN deprecated querystring@0.2.0: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead.
1:06:53 PM: npm WARN deprecated flatten@1.0.3: flatten is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash.
1:06:54 PM: npm WARN deprecated nuxt-i18n@6.28.1: Please use the @nuxtjs/i18n package going forward
1:06:54 PM: npm WARN deprecated async-cache@1.1.0: No longer maintained. Use [lru-cache]( version 7.6 or higher, and provide an asynchronous `fetchMethod` option.
1:06:55 PM: npm WARN deprecated @types/browserslist@4.15.0: This is a stub types definition. browserslist provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
1:06:55 PM: npm WARN deprecated @types/anymatch@3.0.0: This is a stub types definition. anymatch provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
1:06:57 PM: npm WARN deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
1:06:58 PM: npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies
1:07:02 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
1:07:02 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js.
1:07:04 PM: added 1524 packages, and audited 1525 packages in 25s
1:07:04 PM: 188 packages are looking for funding
1:07:04 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
1:07:04 PM: 15 vulnerabilities (7 moderate, 8 high)
1:07:04 PM: To address issues that do not require attention, run:
1:07:04 PM:   npm audit fix
1:07:04 PM: To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
1:07:04 PM:   npm audit fix --force
1:07:04 PM: Run `npm audit` for details.
1:07:04 PM: NPM modules installed
1:07:04 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
1:07:04 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
1:07:05 PM: go version go1.16.5 linux/amd64
1:07:05 PM: go version go1.16.5 linux/amd64
1:07:05 PM: Installing missing commands
1:07:05 PM: Verify run directory
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:07:06 PM:   Netlify Build                                                 
1:07:06 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ❯ Version
1:07:06 PM:   @netlify/build 27.1.3
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ❯ Flags
1:07:06 PM:   baseRelDir: true
1:07:06 PM:   buildId: 6287bc846e13e0271e3f7873
1:07:06 PM:   deployId: 6287bc846e13e0271e3f7875
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ❯ Current directory
1:07:06 PM:   /opt/build/repo
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ❯ Config file
1:07:06 PM:   /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ❯ Context
1:07:06 PM:   production
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:07:06 PM:   1. build.command from netlify.toml                            
1:07:06 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:07:06 PM: ​
1:07:06 PM: $ npm run generate
1:07:06 PM: > esc-py@1.0.0 generate
1:07:06 PM: > nuxt generate
1:07:08 PM: [info] [@nuxt/content] Parsed 3 files in 0.5 seconds
1:07:09 PM: [info] Production build
1:07:09 PM: [info] Bundling for server and client side
1:07:09 PM: [info] Target: static
1:07:09 PM: [info] Using components loader to optimize imports
1:07:09 PM: [info] Discovered Components: node_modules/.cache/nuxt/components/
1:07:09 PM: [success] Builder initialized
1:07:09 PM: [success] Nuxt files generated
1:07:10 PM: [info] [webpackbar] Compiling Client
1:07:49 PM: [success] [webpackbar] Client: Compiled successfully in 38.81s
1:07:49 PM: [info] [webpackbar] Compiling Server
1:07:59 PM: [success] [webpackbar] Server: Compiled successfully in 9.69s
1:07:59 PM: Hash: 9c7e1e324856be40b226
1:07:59 PM: Version: webpack 4.46.0
1:07:59 PM: Time: 38813ms
1:07:59 PM: Built at: 05/20/2022 4:07:49 PM
1:07:59 PM:                          Asset        Size                              Chunks                                Chunk Names
1:07:59 PM: ../server/client.manifest.json      27 KiB                                      [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                     01d4ee3.js    2.76 KiB                                  11  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     06471f4.js    2.57 KiB                                  18  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     0729048.js  1020 bytes                                  54  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-index-card
1:07:59 PM:                     0d6aeb5.js       1 KiB                                  58  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-reviews-list
1:07:59 PM:                     0e62bf0.js    2.89 KiB                                  28  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     0e923d3.js    3.71 KiB                                  46  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     11c45bd.js    2.67 KiB                                  43  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     13ed1b2.js    4.99 KiB                                  55  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-modal-gallery
1:07:59 PM:                     18c8ad0.js   880 bytes                                  66  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/blog/_slug
1:07:59 PM:                     1a1b63a.js    4.05 KiB                                  75  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     1ca12d8.js    2.65 KiB                                  45  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     1e8786c.js    2.86 KiB                                  39  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     2d8a299.js     3.5 KiB                                  24  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     31468e0.js   957 bytes                                  57  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-preview-gallery
1:07:59 PM:                     3442aad.js    2.29 KiB                                   7  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     344f06d.js    2.56 KiB                                  49  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     35085e0.js    1.68 KiB                                  67  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/blog/index
1:07:59 PM:                     3f8f7b2.js    3.23 KiB                                  26  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     3f99aa1.js    26.5 KiB                                   1  [emitted] [immutable]         vendors/components/model-review-add/pages/_model
1:07:59 PM:                     425c8f4.js     3.5 KiB                                   2  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     44160d7.js     4.6 KiB                                  30  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     45c34df.js    3.19 KiB                                  12  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     467021b.js    1.27 KiB                                  64  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/404.html
1:07:59 PM:                     46c41ee.js    7.04 KiB                                  63  [emitted] [immutable]         lang-pt.js
1:07:59 PM:                     473430f.js    2.81 KiB                                  38  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     48bc909.js    99.5 KiB                                  74  [emitted] [immutable]         vendors/content/plugin.js
1:07:59 PM:                     4fcae81.js    5.53 KiB                                  17  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     524ceeb.js    2.73 KiB                                  40  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     598ebd6.js    3.68 KiB                                   4  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     5b3d22e.js    2.76 KiB                                   6  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     5eb2801.js    2.81 KiB                                  35  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     5f236b6.js    4.07 KiB                                  37  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     63eef6a.js    3.79 KiB                                   9  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     64c8b08.js    4.18 KiB                                  44  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     67363a9.js    3.21 KiB                                  22  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     6ca617b.js    2.63 KiB                                  25  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     6eeb8e5.js    3.77 KiB                                  23  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     75530ff.js   605 bytes                                  56  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-phone-icon
1:07:59 PM:                     779a4a2.js    3.36 KiB                                  41  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     7ae9121.js    2.62 KiB                                  29  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     7ce009f.js    3.08 KiB                                  21  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     7ec9b6b.js   289 bytes                                  69  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/favorite
1:07:59 PM:                     88a810f.js    2.68 KiB                                  20  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     8d68f47.js    2.56 KiB                                  31  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     8fa7957.js    14.2 KiB                                  61  [emitted] [immutable]         lang-en.js
1:07:59 PM:                     90514d7.js    1.49 KiB                                  52  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-bookmark-icon
1:07:59 PM:                     9187cab.js    2.93 KiB                                  47  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     977a5c4.js    3.19 KiB                                  72  [emitted] [immutable]         runtime
1:07:59 PM:                     984177c.js    2.56 KiB                                  48  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     985d166.js    3.19 KiB                                  33  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     9e2aeda.js    3.12 KiB                                   3  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                       LICENSES   949 bytes                                      [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                     a933929.js     315 KiB                                  51  [emitted] [immutable]  [big]  commons/app
1:07:59 PM:                     a95a3f2.js   625 bytes                                  60  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-whatsapp-icon
1:07:59 PM:                     a9f5687.js    19.5 KiB                                   0  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-review-add
1:07:59 PM:                     ae1fac1.js    2.93 KiB                              70, 54  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/index
1:07:59 PM:                     aed238b.js    2.81 KiB                                   5  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     b801af1.js    7.17 KiB                                  59  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-tags
1:07:59 PM:                     bab2500.js     2.9 KiB                                   8  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     bc9cda0.js    3.09 KiB                                  16  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     bdcea37.js    2.62 KiB                                  32  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     c25a6f7.js    2.98 KiB                                  36  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     c5b3fee.js    3.09 KiB                                  34  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     ca0dfd8.js    2.66 KiB                                  42  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     caf311b.js      16 KiB                                  62  [emitted] [immutable]         lang-es.js
1:07:59 PM:                     ce1e3b0.js    3.87 KiB                                  27  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     cfde83d.js    3.28 KiB                                  13  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     d5e34a1.js    3.27 KiB                                  15  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     d87efa1.js    20.5 KiB  65, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/_model
1:07:59 PM:                     db2f4e0.js    3.63 KiB                      53, 52, 56, 60  [emitted] [immutable]         components/model-header
1:07:59 PM:                     dd2e8a3.js     2.3 KiB                                  14  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     e309863.js    3.21 KiB                                  10  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     e9823b6.js    2.75 KiB                                  19  [emitted] [immutable]
1:07:59 PM:                     eac9734.js   336 bytes                                  68  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/cb
1:07:59 PM:                     f63c369.js   665 bytes                                  71  [emitted] [immutable]         pages/login-disabled
1:07:59 PM:                     f78b4e3.js     358 KiB                                  50  [emitted] [immutable]  [big]  app
1:07:59 PM:                     f87fe9a.js    1.29 MiB                                  73  [emitted] [immutable]  [big]  vendors/app
1:07:59 PM:  + 2 hidden assets
1:07:59 PM: Entrypoint app [big] = 977a5c4.js a933929.js f87fe9a.js f78b4e3.js
1:07:59 PM: WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
1:07:59 PM: This can impact web performance.
1:07:59 PM: Assets:
1:07:59 PM:   f78b4e3.js (358 KiB)
1:07:59 PM:   a933929.js (315 KiB)
1:07:59 PM:   f87fe9a.js (1.29 MiB)
1:07:59 PM: WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (1000 KiB). This can impact web performance.
1:07:59 PM: Entrypoints:
1:07:59 PM:   app (1.95 MiB)
1:07:59 PM:       977a5c4.js
1:07:59 PM:       a933929.js
1:07:59 PM:       f87fe9a.js
1:07:59 PM:       f78b4e3.js
1:07:59 PM: 
1:07:59 PM: Hash: b0844d538ffacdffab04
1:07:59 PM: Version: webpack 4.46.0
1:07:59 PM: Time: 9694ms
1:07:59 PM: Built at: 05/20/2022 4:07:59 PM
1:07:59 PM:                               Asset      Size                                  Chunks             Chunk Names
1:07:59 PM:                                0.js  3.62 KiB                                       0  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                1.js  3.23 KiB                                       1  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               10.js  2.88 KiB                                      10  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               11.js   3.3 KiB                                      11  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               12.js   3.4 KiB                                      12  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               13.js  2.41 KiB                                      13  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               14.js  3.38 KiB                                      14  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               15.js  3.21 KiB                                      15  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               16.js  5.64 KiB                                      16  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               17.js  2.69 KiB                                      17  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               18.js  2.87 KiB                                      18  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               19.js   2.8 KiB                                      19  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                2.js   3.8 KiB                                       2  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               20.js  3.19 KiB                                      20  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               21.js  3.33 KiB                                      21  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               22.js  3.89 KiB                                      22  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               23.js  3.62 KiB                                      23  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               24.js  2.74 KiB                                      24  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               25.js  3.35 KiB                                      25  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               26.js  3.99 KiB                                      26  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               27.js     3 KiB                                      27  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               28.js  2.73 KiB                                      28  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               29.js  4.71 KiB                                      29  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                3.js  2.93 KiB                                       3  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               30.js  2.67 KiB                                      30  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               31.js  2.73 KiB                                      31  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               32.js  3.31 KiB                                      32  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               33.js  3.21 KiB                                      33  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               34.js  2.92 KiB                                      34  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               35.js   3.1 KiB                                      35  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               36.js  4.18 KiB                                      36  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               37.js  2.92 KiB                                      37  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               38.js  2.97 KiB                                      38  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               39.js  2.84 KiB                                      39  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                4.js  2.88 KiB                                       4  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               40.js  3.47 KiB                                      40  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               41.js  2.78 KiB                                      41  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               42.js  2.79 KiB                                      42  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               43.js  4.29 KiB                                      43  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               44.js  2.77 KiB                                      44  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               45.js  3.83 KiB                                      45  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               46.js  3.05 KiB                                      46  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               47.js  2.68 KiB                                      47  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                               48.js  2.67 KiB                                      48  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                5.js   2.4 KiB                                       5  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                6.js  3.01 KiB                                       6  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                7.js   3.9 KiB                                       7  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                8.js  3.32 KiB                                       8  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:                                9.js  3.18 KiB                                       9  [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:   components/model-bookmark-icon.js   2.8 KiB                                      50  [emitted]  components/model-bookmark-icon
1:07:59 PM:          components/model-header.js  9.92 KiB                          51, 50, 54, 59  [emitted]  components/model-header
1:07:59 PM:      components/model-index-card.js  2.65 KiB                                      52  [emitted]  components/model-index-card
1:07:59 PM:   components/model-modal-gallery.js    17 KiB                                      53  [emitted]  components/model-modal-gallery
1:07:59 PM:      components/model-phone-icon.js  2.24 KiB                                      54  [emitted]  components/model-phone-icon
1:07:59 PM: components/model-preview-gallery.js  2.51 KiB                                      55  [emitted]  components/model-preview-gallery
1:07:59 PM:      components/model-review-add.js   163 KiB                                      56  [emitted]  components/model-review-add
1:07:59 PM:    components/model-reviews-list.js  2.41 KiB                                      57  [emitted]  components/model-reviews-list
1:07:59 PM:            components/model-tags.js   9.3 KiB                                      58  [emitted]  components/model-tags
1:07:59 PM:   components/model-whatsapp-icon.js  2.33 KiB                                      59  [emitted]  components/model-whatsapp-icon
1:07:59 PM:                       lang-en.js.js  12.3 KiB                                      60  [emitted]  lang-en.js
1:07:59 PM:                       lang-es.js.js  13.6 KiB                                      61  [emitted]  lang-es.js
1:07:59 PM:                       lang-pt.js.js  5.88 KiB                                      62  [emitted]  lang-pt.js
1:07:59 PM:                   pages/404.html.js  6.16 KiB                                      63  [emitted]  pages/404.html
1:07:59 PM:                     pages/_model.js   211 KiB  64, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59  [emitted]  pages/_model
1:07:59 PM:                 pages/blog/_slug.js  2.12 KiB                                      65  [emitted]  pages/blog/_slug
1:07:59 PM:                 pages/blog/index.js  2.28 KiB                                      66  [emitted]  pages/blog/index
1:07:59 PM:                         pages/cb.js  1.68 KiB                                      67  [emitted]  pages/cb
1:07:59 PM:                   pages/favorite.js  1.19 KiB                                      68  [emitted]  pages/favorite
1:07:59 PM:                      pages/index.js  5.34 KiB                                  69, 52  [emitted]  pages/index
1:07:59 PM:             pages/login-disabled.js  1.67 KiB                                      70  [emitted]  pages/login-disabled
1:07:59 PM:                           server.js  1.04 MiB                                      49  [emitted]  app
1:07:59 PM:                server.manifest.json  4.83 KiB                                          [emitted]
1:07:59 PM:  + 71 hidden assets
1:07:59 PM: Entrypoint app = server.js
1:07:59 PM: [info] [@nuxt/content] Parsed 3 files in 0.0 seconds
1:07:59 PM: [info] Full static generation activated
1:07:59 PM: [info] Generating output directory: dist/
1:07:59 PM: [info] Generating pages with full static mode
1:08:08 PM: [log] socket hang up
1:08:08 PM:   at connResetException (node:internal/errors:692:14)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:478:23)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:539:35)
1:08:08 PM:   at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
1:08:08 PM:   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
1:08:08 PM: [log] socket hang up
1:08:08 PM:   at connResetException (node:internal/errors:692:14)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:478:23)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:539:35)
1:08:08 PM:   at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
1:08:08 PM:   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
1:08:08 PM: [log] socket hang up
1:08:08 PM:   at connResetException (node:internal/errors:692:14)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:478:23)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:539:35)
1:08:08 PM:   at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
1:08:08 PM:   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
1:08:08 PM: [log] socket hang up
1:08:08 PM:   at connResetException (node:internal/errors:692:14)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:478:23)
1:08:08 PM:   at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:539:35)
1:08:08 PM:   at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1345:12)
1:08:08 PM:   at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/blog"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/404.html"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/favorite"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/cb"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/login-disabled"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/favorite"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/blog/test"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/login-disabled"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/login-disabled"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/favorite"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/favorite"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/login-disabled"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/blog/test"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/blog"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/blog/test"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/blog"
1:08:08 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/blog"
1:08:09 PM: [success] Generated route "/en"
1:08:09 PM: [success] Generated route "/es"
1:08:09 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt"
1:08:09 PM: [success] Generated route "/"
1:08:10 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/stefania-c"
1:08:11 PM: [success] Generated route "/es/horacio-andres-c"
1:08:11 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/stefania-c"
1:08:11 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/horacio-andres-c"
1:08:12 PM: [success] Generated route "/pt/horacio-andres-c"
1:08:12 PM: [success] Generated route "/en/stefania-c"
1:08:12 PM: [success] Client-side fallback created: `200.html`
1:08:12 PM: [success] Static manifest generated
1:08:12 PM: [info] Generating sitemaps
1:08:12 PM: [success] Generated /sitemap.xml
1:08:13 PM: ​
1:08:13 PM: (build.command completed in 1m 6.8s)
1:08:13 PM: ​
1:08:13 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:13 PM:   2. Functions bundling                                         
1:08:13 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:13 PM: ​
1:08:13 PM: Packaging Functions from netlify/functions directory:
1:08:13 PM:  - model-get.js
1:08:13 PM:  - models-get.js
1:08:13 PM:  - reviews-get.js
1:08:13 PM:  - user.js
1:08:13 PM:  - wa-send-code.js
1:08:13 PM:  - wa-status.js
1:08:13 PM:  - wa-verify-code.js
1:08:13 PM: ​
1:08:14 PM: ​
1:08:14 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 664ms)
1:08:14 PM: ​
1:08:14 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:14 PM:   3. Deploy site                                                
1:08:14 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:14 PM: ​
1:08:14 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'dist'
1:08:14 PM: Creating deploy upload records
1:08:14 PM: Creating deploy tree 
1:08:14 PM: 60 new files to upload
1:08:14 PM: 0 new functions to upload
1:08:18 PM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
1:08:18 PM: ​
1:08:18 PM: (Deploy site completed in 3.8s)
1:08:18 PM: ​
1:08:18 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:18 PM:   Netlify Build Complete                                        
1:08:18 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
1:08:18 PM: ​
1:08:18 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 1m 11.4s)
1:08:18 PM: Caching artifacts
1:08:18 PM: Started saving node modules
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving node modules
1:08:18 PM: Starting post processing
1:08:18 PM: Started saving build plugins
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving build plugins
1:08:18 PM: Started saving pip cache
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving pip cache
1:08:18 PM: Post processing - HTML
1:08:18 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
1:08:18 PM: Started saving go dependencies
1:08:18 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
1:08:19 PM: Build script success
1:08:26 PM: Post processing - header rules
1:08:26 PM: Post processing - redirect rules
1:08:26 PM: Post processing done
1:08:30 PM: Site is live ✨
1:08:39 PM: Finished processing build request in 2m9.592517839s

Hey @giovanni,

Based on this:

it appears to be an error with the destination server that’s serving the request. We don’t know what’s the endpoint you’re trying to hit to fetch the pages, so if it’s the Function that you mention, we’d be keen to know its URL.

Hi @hrishikesh ,

This is the function.

It’s a request to Faunadb that works correctly when running locally.

My baseUrl for axios, to call from nuxt to the Netlify function is:

  axios: {
    debug: (process.env.URL) ? false: true,
    baseURL:  (process.env.URL) ? `${process.env.URL}` : 'http://localhost:8888',
    proxyHeaders: true

Hey there, @giovanni :wave:

We looked at this in two ways–

  1. We tried executing this function and it appears to be working with a successful exit status. You can see where we looked here: Netlify App
  2. We looked at your requests from the past week, and see over 100 successful requests from the past week.

If you are still experiencing this issue, can you please create a replication and share us the direct URL.


Hi @hillary,

really thanks for your help.

I will try to create a replication when I have time.

However, mainly due to this, I have to migrate to Vercel where everything is working out of the box.

Hey there, @giovanni :wave:

Thanks for letting us know. If you have time to create a replication, do not hesitate to follow up on this thread! We will be here :slight_smile: