I have siteA in Gatsby and siteB in NextJS, both deployed to Netlify.
In siteA I have those rewrites:
from = "/pl/baza-wiedzy"
to = "https://elastic-jepsen-1ed2cc.netlify.app/pl/baza-wiedzy"
status = 200
from = "/pl/baza-wiedzy/*"
to = "https://elastic-jepsen-1ed2cc.netlify.app/pl/baza-wiedzy/:splat"
status = 200
from = "/_next/*"
to = "https://elastic-jepsen-1ed2cc.netlify.app/_next/:splat"
status = 200
from = "/nextimg/*"
to = "https://elastic-jepsen-1ed2cc.netlify.app/nextimg/:splat"
status = 200
from = "/_next/image"
to = "https://elastic-jepsen-1ed2cc.netlify.app/_next/image"
status = 200
In siteB I have this rewrite:
from = "/pl/baza-wiedzy"
to = "/pl/knowledge-base"
status = 200
When I go to Blog parentingowy o zdrowiu dzieci i fotelikach samochodowych | Producent fotelików Avionaut (siteB) the hero image loads properly, but the problem appears when I go to Blog parentingowy o zdrowiu dzieci i fotelikach samochodowych | Producent fotelików Avionaut (siteA), hero image doesn’t load.
When I look on the siteB’s network at chrome dev tools I can see the request for optimized image that gets 301 with optimized image location (please check network by yourself. As a new forum user I can’t put more than one screenshot here )
When I look on the siteA’s network the request gets 404
(please check network by yourself.)
Is it common problem with rewrites with NextJS or did I miss something important in my rewrites?