We have two repos on Netlify. With repo 1 the builds are stuck, we’re seeing “enqueued: awaiting capacity” and “Waiting for other deploys from your team to complete”. However we don’t have any other builds waiting to complete, just several queued ones.
With repo 2 the builds are still working.
Here is our build status:
Team builds status for xxx team[Starter]
Total data from this billing period (Mar 18 to Apr 18), updated hourly.
Hi, @teamaccount, and welcome to the Netlify community site.
We have sent you an email to the email address associated with your Netlify account, and we’ll communicate with you through that email to continue resolving this issue. (Please note that for security reasons, we will not contact you at email addresses not listed in your Netlify account.)
Also, please let us know with a reply here if you don’t receive a message from us.
is this issue persisting? sometimes, if the network is very busy and a lot of people are deploying and building, there may be a wait, but it is usually temporary. If you are seeing this a lot, or at times when we shouldn’t see too much activity, then this might be a problem. If thats the case, can you let us know a site name so we can investigate?