Building site": build script returned non-zero exit code:1

Hello friends,

I came back to my website and made some changes and push it. But it failed during stage “building site”: build script returned non-zero exit code:1

Could someone help me please about figuring out what may be cause this trouble ?

Please find below the Deploy log:

Thank you for your help.

Hi there, glad you found us :wave: before we can help you, we need a little more information on the issues you are facing.

First, have you looked through this resource? It is a compilation of all of our build and deploy resources. This is a good starting point.

If you have worked through those guides and are still encountering issues please share the following information:

  • the name of your build instance: “
  • what you have already tried
  • any error messages you have received in your terminal window or in the developer console
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Hi @SamO , thank you for your reply.

build instance name:

I have previously deployed this website and everything went on fine as shown here: Netlify App

I came back to it and edit some stuff and it’s working fine (locally). I also edited the Build image selection within netlify Build & Deploy by changing from Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (deprecated) to Ubuntu Focal 20.04 (default).

Is it probably that change causing this trouble ?

I am using Ubuntu under WSL2 and I didn’t change the old versions used to build the website.

Thank you for your help.

You’re using an ancient version of Node: Netlify App (Node 8). We can no longer provide troubleshooting steps about it. Please upgrade your Node Version.

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Hi Netlify

This app is built upon Node 8, I previously deployed it on Netlify without any trouble and it’s still working fine locally.

I also edited the build image selection within netlify build & deploy by changing from ubuntu xenial 16 to focal 20. This may probably be the cause. Could you help me change it back to ubuntu 16 ?

Thank you


Hi @hrishikesh @SamO

This app is built upon Node 8, I previously deployed it on Netlify without any trouble and it’s still working fine locally.

I also edited the build image selection within netlify build & deploy by changing from ubuntu xenial 16 to focal 20. This may probably be the cause. Could you help me change it back to ubuntu 16 ?

Thank you


I’m confused. Can I ask why you aren’t using an updated version of Node?

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Because it’s not working when I change to another version of Node.

Which version have you tried? Node 16 works fine on Netlify.

Hi @SamO

My application is running locally with Node 8.17 and it’s with that engine I deployed it on Netflify.
Could you please look at the log and help with that please ?


Have you tried updating the version of Node.js you are running locally? Node.js 8 reached end of life several years ago.

Alternatively you could build locally and deploy using Netlify CLI if you wish to continue using Node.js 8.

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Hello @hrishikesh

My application is running locally with Node 8.17 and if I try to upgrade it, it crash. But I previously (last year) deployed it on Netflify without any problem.

I do understant that you’re no longer providing troubleshooting steps about this version of Node but is there any advice so that I can be able to edit and deploy?


HI Irina,

Could you please provide me with more information about the price of the Enterprise plan?

This will help me decide whether to continue or not.



Hi Mandjo,

I’m including @Evan Pulse and @Clara Kay to follow-up with you about pricing of the Enterprise plan.

Best regards,

Thank you for your response.


The only available option is to build locally and use drag-n-drop deploys if your site is small enough. If it’s large, even that would fail.

I’d highly advise investing time to fix the issues you get with upgrading the Node version locally, instead of investing the time to make the deploy work on Netlify. Yes, it might be urgent to update your site, but this would be another piece of technical debt you’ll probably carry on with for much longer and someday, it might hit hard.