Branch feature SSL

I just set the necessary steps on my DNS server to allow branch deploy feature. So far everything works fine. However it lacks the SSL certificate and the only way to get it is by contacting the Technical Support. Not sure exact where to contact them, but I’ve submitted a form at It’s been about a week and I still haven’t heard from Netlify team. Anyone can advise on what should I do?

Hi @baterikudev! Welcome to netlify community.

I work in Support and can help. What is the subdomain, and which Netlify site is it on? We can add it to your SSL certificate for you.

Hi @laura. The subdomain is May I know what do you mean by on which Netlify site is it on?

hi @baterikudev - what is the netlify instance name, for example:

Thanks @perry. The site is at As for the subdomain, it should be at

I found your Netlify site name, but for the record this is what I am referring to:

You are using a custom SSL certificate so I can’t help with this. You’d either have to go get another custom certificate that includes your branch subdomain, or switch to Netlify’s Let’s Encrypt SSL. A third option would be to create a new site with your subdomain as the main custom domain and use the Netlify Let’s Encrypt SSL for that site.

Not sure if I missed anything from the first link that I was referring to. Based on that, I should be able to use branch subdomains feature, without switching over to Netlify DNS Hosting.

At the moment, I’m using your suggested 3rd option and it works. But not really what I was looking for, which is to be able to use branch subdomains feature without switching over to Netlify DNS Hosting.

Hi, the 3rd option we mentioned requires for you to use our managed ssl certificate, instead of a custom certificate. The reason it’s not working is because you are using a custom certificate that doesn’t cover your branch subdomains. If you provide a wildcard certificate then things will work. Let me know if that makes sense.