Await Nelify DNS

Hi, i think Netlify DNS is stuck on my domain.

On my site: my primary DNS is not connecting.
The secondary DNS is connected, but primary is stuck since the beginning, it says “Awaiting Netlify DNS”. Can you check please?

Domain name is:

Can you please look into this?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @MovieMaker93,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

Looks like you were able to resolve the issue? Visiting is resolving for me and I see you’re using Netlify name servers. Also I see the SSL Certificate has been provisioned.

Could you let us know if you’re still having any issues?

Hi Melvin, I have been facing the same issue with my domain and SSL and its been more than 5 days, could you please help me with that

Don’t cross-post @Bajo_Tierra

Hi @Bajo_Tierra,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve responded to your other post here:

Let us know if you continue to have issues.

Hi, I am having a similar problem for my website Can you please take a look?

I’m not seeing any NS records for the domain

% dig NS +short

You’ll need to configure those in order to use Netlify DNS.

Hi, via the Netlify UI, I do see them. My netlify website is

Hi @SBMitrovic,

At your registrar, most likely where you purchased the domain, you’ll need to configure the Netlify name servers mentioned here:

You can follow this video to see how it’s done step by step:

Let us know if you have any questions.