Automate your Content Security Policy (CSP) with our new Integration

:lock: Hello security-minded developers! Have you struggled in the past to maintain a Content Security Policy for your site? We feel your pain – that’s why today we are open-sourcing our new CSP Integration that injects a dynamic nonce at request-time into the script-src directive of your CSP. As a result, you will no longer need to manually maintain an allowlist of domains for this directive!

Search in the Netlify UI for CSP Integration. This lets you configure the integration entirely in the UI, with just a couple of clicks! If you prefer a configuration-as-code approach, you can install the npm package directly.

CleanShot 2023-08-24 at 08.23.57@2x

After setting up, trigger a new deploy. You can test in a Deploy Preview too, before going live. By default, this will inject a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, so that you can test and monitor against production traffic, without actually blocking resources. When all looks good, you can flip this to be the real deal Content-Security-Policy header, to stop potential client-side attackers in their tracks.

Check the output of your built HTML to confirm: you’ll notice a nonce attribute on every <script> tag. This gets dynamically generated on every request!

We use this ourselves on – inspect our DOM to see for yourself!

:heart: Read How I learned to stop worrying and love the Content Security Policy on our blog to learn more about this integration and the importance of a CSP!

:bug: Head to the integration repo to file any feature requests or bug reports.

Let us know what you think here in the comments!


As far as I understand, dynamic CSP integration is available for enterprise customers. Are you also looking at making this available for other plans in the future? Perhaps as a standalone paid add-on if that would make sense.

I’m asking as I think that this feature is very helpful even for junior front-end devs like me who aren’t currently working on large projects, but try to form good security habits and struggle to ensure that all necessary scripts are running on their websites as intended while adding the layer of protection that a CSP offers.

Thanks in advance!

Side note for anyone who’s also interested in the topic but hasn’t watched the webinar, you check it out at: Defending Your Web Properties: Why Your Team Needs a CSP | Netlify Webinars. Highly recommended.

@RoxanaB The plugin is available on all plans!

My bad, @jasonb ! I’ve just added the plugin to a dummy site and the dynamic CSP is now showing in the response headers🤩 Many thanks!!

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