Adding file & creating deploy by google app script on netlify

Trying to add file(blob of file from google drive) & make deploy on netlify by google app script by using access token for authentication and endpoint:

tried different endpoints and methods, they show successful in google app script but deploying never completes on netlify nor the log shows it also just keeps loading

looking forward for some one to provide help docs etc to deploy from google app script to netlify

i am familiar with working on netlify and google app script separately but working first time to connect them

Deploying via API has a lot more steps involved than a simple API call. Have you checked out: Get started with the Netlify API | Netlify Docs?

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thanks, this method worked but new deploy doesn’t contain any of previous deploy files like html, js etc, i tried attaching by getting them from previous deploy(within google app script netlify deploy process) but in deploy summary it says:
All files already uploaded
All files already uploaded by a previous deploy with the same commits.
and in deploy log, files(html,css,js) from previous deploy are not showing only current uploaded image is showing and on opening website it says 404 not found as there is not html page
so is there any builtin plugin or some method to solve this issue for each deploy?