Accordion not working when site deployed on Nelify


Is it me doing something wrong or Netlify’s fault?

so I have bootstrap’s accordion element and it’s working in VSCode on my local machine but Ive deployed my site via Netlify and it’s not expanding now

Anybody came across this issue before?

Frequently Asked Questions

          <div id="collapseOne" class="collapse">
            <div class="card-body">
              Our Fees depend on your specific situation.
              We provide an initial FREE 30 minutes consultation to evaluate your case. We will then determine the complexity, the amount of work that needs to be done and the other factors...

hi there, can you provide a link to the live site please?

Hi Perry,

go to Areas of Practice → Criminal Law (in the header)
and FAQ section is below Services

PS Sorry, I don’t think I set up domain name properly pagination too yet (working on it) so you can go directly to

hi there,

i am seeing a lot of javascript errors when i open up the developer pane:

I would check and see if your site is getting built correctly.

Can you post or link us to one of your deploy logs please?

To find your build logs, go to your Netlify dashboard for your site. At the top, you’ll see a link for Deploys . Clicking that bring you to a page of deploys - one for every build you’ve created. Clicking on a deploy brings you to the deploy log.

Hi there,

I am having this exact same issue. everything seems to be working in dev, but once the site is deployed to netlify, none of the react-bootstrap accordions on the whole site open, but i dont see an error that pops up in the console when i try to click them and open them.

Here is the live site:

Thanks in advance for your help.

Did you try running npm run build locally?

I can see a lot of errors in your code too: