Access Denied - AI Enablement for Analysis and Solutions

Hi there. Initially, I was just trying to deploy my app but the deployment failed so I wanted to enable the AI generated solutions to see how I can fix it. However, I keep getting the error: “Access Denied” when I try to enable the AI analysis and solutions. Please help. Thank you

Can you confirm that you’re the listed owner on the team you’re trying to enable this feature on?

Is this what you mean?

I am also having the same issue getting an access denied error trying to turn on AI Enablement.

@RizalSuhaimi @sofakingtite thanks for letting us know! I’ve escalated this issue to our dev team to take a look at what could be causing this. We’ll update you once we have more to share.

am having the same issue: eric-5wwe69g

@RizalSuhaimi @sofakingtite @yo_oy This should now be resolved, please let us know if you continue to have issues!