301 redirect not working on Netlify

Netlify site: inspiring-liskov-6be5b8
Old URL: thedatabus.io
New URL: thedatabus.in

_redirects file:

  from = "https://thedatabus.io/*"
  to = "https://thedatabus.in/*"
  status = 301
  force = true

I have placed this file in both the root of the repository and also the static/ folder.
Doesn’t seem to be working.
Google search console says this when I try to move the site. Please Help

It needs to be placed so that it ends up your Publish directory once your build completes.

Run your build locally and see if it’s in the directory you have set as your Publish directory.

You are using _redirects file but the content is of netlify.toml. You’re mixing the two files.

The code you’ve posted should exist in netlify.toml and in the root of the repository. Also, the to should be: https://thedatabus.in/:splat

@hrishikesh That fixed it for me. Thanks a lot.