The build is succeeding and saying published, but the page just shows “xt/javascript” src=“runtime.js”>" when you go to it. There are no useful error messages to know what to change. Have you seen this before? Do you know what can remedy this. I haven’t had this issue with Netlify before. This is a React app with custom webpack config (ie not create-react-app)
I manually put the scripts into the local index.html and the site displays now, but the build is still broken cause the xt/javascript” src=“runtime.js”> is still being displayed on the page along with the other content. I have an idea of what it could be, gonna try a couple things.
I think I got it figured, I think the index.html file was getting served twice and that was causing some weird side effects. I’ll let you know if I run into other issues. Thanks for the responses today.