Hi, i’m getting stuck verifying the webhook signature sent with the identity events.
I’m able to do this in Python, but not in Javascript.
Here is the JS code :
function validateJsonWebhook(request) {
try {
var decoded = jwt.decode(request.headers["x-webhook-signature"]);
var signature = decoded.sha256;
var computed = crypto.createHmac('sha256', WEBHOOK_SECRET).update(JSON.stringify(request.body), 'utf-8').digest('hex');
console.log("Signature: ", signature, "Computed: ", computed);
if (signature !== computed) {
return false;
return true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
The JS function is inside an API route hosted on Heroku. The events trigering this route are login and signup from identity.
I’m trying to be sure that the route is called by netlify.
I’m still having troubles to wrap my head around what you’re trying.
When you say the events triggered by Identity, you mean the serverless functions, I suppose? So, you’re calling the Heroku app from within the function and passing the event data to it? Is that correct?
It would also help if you could share a repo in which you’re trying this or point to docs you’re referring to.
I’m running a React app on Netlify, powered by identity. When a user logs in or sign up, the identity webhook is triggered (pointing to my api route hosted on heroku) and I can perform custom backend stuff.
From the API I want to make sure that the data received comes from netlify (using the webhook secret known only by me and netlify)
Just to confirm WEBHOOK_SECRET is your hardcoded secret that you’ve added in Netlify UI, correct?
If that’s the case, I don’t think you need to do it this way. You can simply use:
jwt.verify(event.headers['x-webhook-signature'], 'WEBHOOK_SECRET') and it will decode successfully only if the secret you add here === the secret you set in Netlify UI.
So, you could do something like:
try {
jwt.verify(request['x-webhook-signature'], 'WEBHOOK_SECRET')
console.log('This will log only when it decoded successfully')
} catch(error) {
// It failed because the correct secret could not decode the 'wrong' signature