Update new domain does not work, or am i missing smth

Hey, i bought a new domain ending with “co.il”, my site currently has custom domain with .com, and i want to make the switch to the new domain, i went to “Add Domain” did everything, copied the lines to the dns configuration on the new domain pressed ok and now what?, i cant see the new domain under “Production domains”, but i do see the new domain under the domain list, what should i do?

This should be resovled.

Hey man thanks for the quick fix, may i ask what was the problem?

There was no problem. The domain was not added to the site. You could have done that by clicking on add domain alias. I did it for you from our end, updated the DNS records and updated the SSL (these 2 steps would have happened automatically once you added the domain to the site).

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hey its me again with another question, so right now my site has the new domain, but when i search for it on google i find both my old domain and the new one, how do i make sure that my old domain is not displayed on google now since its not even working?

Hi @Spaiz :wave:t6: you can do a few things to fix this issue:

  1. Create a new site using your old domain, on your new site create 301 redirects to your new domain. This can be done using the Redirects. Here’s an example of how to set up a redirect in a _redirects file:
https://old-domain.netlify.app/*  https://new-domain.com/:splat  301!

Or in a netlify.toml file:

  from = "https://old-domain.netlify.app/*"
  to = "https://new-domain.com/:splat"
  status = 301
  force = true

You can also claim the old domain site in the SEO tools at Google, and then ask Google to reindex the old domain.