Unable to login or Forgot Password didn't send any email to my main email account

My main Netlify email account: joseph.wong@lyconsultancygroup.com

I forgot my password and tried to reset it using Forgot Password, but I received no reset password email.
I also tried sending in a support form, but no one reached out to me after 4 business days.
Afterwards, I tried creating a support forum account, but I cannot continue as no verification email reached my box.
I had to create this alternate Netlify account to create this thread. Again, the problematic main account is: joseph.wong@lyconsultancygroup.com

Sorry for the inconveniences, looking forward to your prompt help! Thank you so much.

@jwyf Have you confirmed that the email address joseph.wong@lyconsultancygroup.com actually works?

You obviously won’t be able to receive email to it if it doesn’t.

I can’t see MX records for lyconsultancygroup.com either with a local dig or online tools:

Hi Joseph, Nathan might be spot-on here. Have you received any emails recently?

I see your Netlify account is in good standing so once you are able to send yourself a password reset, you should be able to log in! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hi Nathan and Charlotte, thank you for the fast responses!

Yes, the issue was our MS 365 DNS. It is fixed now, thank you both so much.

Thank you for the fast troubleshooting, apologies for the bother. Have a wonderful weekend ahead :slight_smile: