Unable to install netlify CLI in termux

I used this command to install the netlify CLI:
npm install --save-dev netlify-cli
However, an error message appears:

sharp: Installation error: Prebuilt libvips 8.14.5 binaries are not yet available for android-arm64v8

Even though I installed sharp using the following command, I still get the same error message as above:
npm install -g --os=linux sharp

Hi, @guobao2333. If the required libraries do not exist for your system, then you will not be able to install the CLI on that device. The error is saying that the system type of android-arm64v8 has no binaries prebuilt for the libvips package. That is not something Netlify can fix as that is not our library.

Thanks for your reply, the author of the library says that sharp is fully supported for use on Android devices, adding --os=linux installs the library on Android, and there is no special treatment for this issue during the installation of the netlify CLI.

However, I was able to install sharp normally, but not netlify CLI.

You can have a look at this:

We haven’t tested the CLI on Android, nor intend to in the near future. It might or might not work, but currently we do not provide support for it.