Hiya @gavortex and sorry to hear about the trouble! Your problem is unrelated to the thread you posted in (which is about trouble with Ruby, not Node.js), so I moved it to its own thread here to help you.
Please start out in your debugging by following this guide on debugging site builds. It covers 90% of the problems folks have including many that have symptoms like yours: [Support Guide] Debugging Netlify site builds . If you go through those steps and they do not help, please follow the call to action at the bottom of the post and:
[…] tell us the information you gathered while debugging:
- a link to your most recent deployment attempt in our UI (should start with Netlify App). This will only help the community debug in case your build logs are public, of course. Most public repositories are set with public build logs, and our Support team can by request make your own site’s build logs public even if it’s a private repository.
- include the specific log line you think the error is in, from that latest deploy you tried to debug and have linked. Make sure you find the root cause error line:
Build script exited with Error 1
is a SYMPTOM of some prior error from your build script- give a short, succinct rundown on what you have tried so far and we’ll try to help.