Triggering publish with a webhook

Hi Netlify Team! It’s me again!

Can we also get this turned off for our GitHub connections for site: a2db3de6-d4ab-4aa6-bf5d-ed5e453cc42a . Similarly we would like to have Netlify build our site but ONLY from a build hook and not on a push.

Do let me know if there is a better way to do this these days :smiley:

Thank you for all you do!

Howdy @ctriolo ,

I’ve responded in helpdesk but also posting here that this is done!

Previously I’ve used netlify manually builds from CLI, but now I need to accomplish this scenario:
I want to disable auto-building and deploying when i push a commit to main or any other branch,
and also I want to provide webhook so i could build, deploy & publich automatically when i call this webhook. Is this possible to do? Also I’m using github.

Which site is this for?