Sveltekit build works, fails to deploy on Netlify

For my netlify site, loving-allen-2f1709

I am getting this error:

8:22:28 AM: [vite:load-fallback] Could not load /opt/build/repo/src/lib/Nav.svelte (imported by src/routes/__layout.svelte): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/build/repo/src/lib/Nav.svelte'
8:22:28 AM: > Could not load /opt/build/repo/src/lib/Nav.svelte (imported by src/routes/__layout.svelte): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/build/repo/src/lib/Nav.svelte'

The file in question, Nav.svelte, was pushed to github and appears there. When I push, or use the build command in the terminal, no problems are caught. It is only when deploying to Netlfiy that I get errors.

Welcome to the forums @maxgraze

Without seeing the repository you are deploying this is only a guess, but this issue is possibly one of case sensitivity