For my React site, I want to be able to properly use routes using pushstate. Is that possible with Netlify?
Using a rewrite, I have already managed to avoid the 404 when a user refreshes the website that occurred because part of the url is ‘virtual’ (as in: part of a React route). But now the user is always redirected to the default page of my website upon refreshing or after following a deep link instead of being presented with the route he or she was at.
Is it possible to let Netlify respond with the index when the user visits a non-existing url, but without redirecting to the index url so that my React site can serve the route that was requested?
Unfortunately, that is exactly what I have done - adding a _redirects file with the following contents.
/* /index.html 200
It fixed receiving a 404 response upon refresh, but instead redirects me to my index page.
Currently, if the user is on /signup (a route in my SPA) and refreshes, he is again presented with the homepage (/). Instead, I want the behaviour that although /signup does not resolve to a file, the contents of index.html is returned but the browser is not redirected there.
Hi, @rverhaaf. That is the default behavior at Netlify. If something changes in the address bar, the site javascript must make the change.
If you are seeing something different, what is the real URL affected?
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You’re right of course, and I have found my mistake. It turns out that I used a self-made component that redirected to index for pages that needed authentication. Only, due to the fetching of the logged in user from a useEffect hook the first render was always based on initial state (not logged in).
I have changed it so it returns an empty page instead of a redirect and this solves the issue.