I am using sendgrid’s node js api to send email via a contact form on the site. The form works (sends successfully) when running it on localhost but not on the github preview-deploys. It seems that it can’t find two critical api’s in pages/api/ ....
so the form seems to send (the api call sends a 200 but sendgrid does not send the 202 response) but never actually gets sent. Build log and package.json below.
Netlify Build
❯ Version
@netlify/build 28.0.1
❯ Flags
❯ Current directory
❯ Config file
❯ Context
❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.28.3
❯ Outdated plugins
- @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.28.3: latest version is 4.28.4
Migration guide: https://ntl.fyi/next-plugin-migration
To upgrade this plugin, please update its version in "package.json"
1. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)
No Next.js cache to restore.
Netlify configuration property "build.environment.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET" value changed.
(@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 160ms)
2. build.command from netlify.toml
$ npm run build
> equity-tool@0.1.17 build
> next build
info - Creating an optimized production build...
info - Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration ".babelrc" https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/swc-disabled
info - Using external babel configuration from /home/runner/work/equity-tool/equity-tool/.babelrc
info - Compiled successfully
info - Collecting page data...
info - Generating static pages (0/1532)
info - Generating static pages (299/1532)
info - Generating static pages (383/1532)
info - Generating static pages (544/1532)
info - Generating static pages (759/1532)
info - Generating static pages (766/1532)
info - Generating static pages (1149/1532)
info - Generating static pages (1518/1532)
info - Generating static pages (1532/1532)
info - Finalizing page optimization...
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ /_app 0 B 234 kB
├ λ /404 2.09 kB 236 kB
├ ○ /about 6.47 kB 241 kB
├ λ /api/feedback 0 B 234 kB
├ λ /api/health 0 B 234 kB
├ ○ /contact 38.9 kB 273 kB
├ ● /data/[geography]/[geoid]/[category]/[subgroup] (320014 ms) 5.84 kB 288 kB
├ ├ /data/district/3809/hsaq/tot (1248 ms)
├ ├ /data/district/4011/econ/wnh (640 ms)
├ ├ /data/district/3708/econ/anh (534 ms)
├ ├ /data/citywide/nyc/econ/bnh (533 ms)
├ ├ /data/district/3706/econ/bnh (532 ms)
├ ├ /data/district/4015/econ/bnh (531 ms)
├ ├ /data/district/4008/econ/anh (526 ms)
├ └ [+1518 more paths]
├ ● /map/[view]/[geography] 621 kB 903 kB
├ ├ /map/data/district
├ ├ /map/data/borough
├ ├ /map/data/citywide
├ └ /map/drm/nta
└ ○ /methods 8.09 kB 242 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 234 kB
├ chunks/framework-3fe34326565e0106.js 45.3 kB
├ chunks/main-2a654e2f3d111e90.js 29.8 kB
├ chunks/pages/_app-96b81a5eb7f059e4.js 157 kB
└ chunks/webpack-7e1ede0247721957.js 1.99 kB
λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
(build.command completed in 6m 52.7s)
3. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)
/* ***************** this block ************************ */
Could not find source file for page /api/feedback
Could not find source file for page /api/health
/* ***************************************************** */
functionsDir: '/home/runner/work/equity-tool/equity-tool/.netlify/functions-internal'
Patching /home/runner/work/equity-tool/equity-tool/node_modules/next/dist/server/base-server.js
Patching /home/runner/work/equity-tool/equity-tool/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js
Moving static page files to serve from CDN...
Moved 2573 files
Using Netlify Edge Functions for image format detection. Set env var "NEXT_DISABLE_EDGE_IMAGES=true" to disable.
Netlify configuration property "redirects" value changed to [
from: '/',
query: {},
to: '/map/data/district',
force: false,
conditions: {},
headers: {}
from: '/map',
query: {},
to: '/map/data/district',
force: false,
conditions: {},
headers: {}
from: '/map/data',
query: {},
to: '/map/data/district',
force: false,
conditions: {},
headers: {}
from: '/map/drm',
query: {},
to: '/map/drm/nta',
force: false,
conditions: {},
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status: 404,
force: true
{ from: '/BUILD_ID', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
from: '/api/feedback',
to: '/.netlify/functions/_api_feedback-handler',
status: 200
from: '/api/health',
to: '/.netlify/functions/_api_health-handler',
status: 200
from: '/api/*',
to: '/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler',
status: 200
(@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 1.4s)
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"bash -c 'npm run lint:tsc'",
"npm run lint:eslint -- --quiet --fix"
netlify app:
Halp. Lemme know if y’all need more info or details.