Snippet injection wishlist

Snippet Injection(s) at the start of the <body> Tag

As indicated in the “Google Tag Manager container snippet” section of Google’s Verify site ownership page, the <noscript> portion of the Tag Manager code is to be placed “immediately after the opening <body> tag.”

(I realize that Netlify offers a paid service for Analytics, however, we are using in Google’s solution across the entire University. Therefore, we are unable to use Netlify’s Analytics as a replacement.)

One of the stated objectives of the Snippet Injection feature is to prevent “[pollution of] the source code”, which is fantastic. However, the only options currently offered are “before the closing </head> tag [and] before the closing </body> tag.” This limitation prevents proper use of the Google Tag Manager code.

FR: Please offer the ability to inject code immediately after the opening <body> tag.