Small Gatsby Site - Build Error 137

Netlify sitename:

My builds have been continually failing during deployment of a Gatsby site, and there doesn’t seem to be a particular reason why. From researching the issue it could be memory-related, but that doesn’t make much sense here considering this site is extremely small - it’s a one-pager and the few assets that exist have been optimized. Any suggestions would be appreciated! There is very little info about this anywhere.


2:12:36 PM: Build ready to start

2:12:38 PM: build-image version: ac716c5be7f79fe384a0f3759e8ef612cb821a37 (xenial)

2:12:38 PM: build-image tag: v3.13.0

2:12:38 PM: buildbot version: e58b6be665675c0f99b33132a8c1eec1f775eba1

2:12:38 PM: Fetching cached dependencies

2:12:38 PM: Starting to download cache of 398.6MB

2:12:42 PM: Finished downloading cache in 4.352037639s

2:12:42 PM: Starting to extract cache

2:12:54 PM: Finished extracting cache in 11.934722933s

2:12:54 PM: Finished fetching cache in 16.340267033s

2:12:54 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build

2:12:55 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/production

2:13:00 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies

2:13:01 PM: Starting build script

2:13:01 PM: Installing dependencies

2:13:01 PM: Python version set to 2.7

2:13:02 PM: Started restoring cached node version

2:13:04 PM: Finished restoring cached node version

2:13:05 PM: v12.18.0 is already installed.

2:13:05 PM: Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4)

2:13:05 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins

2:13:05 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins

2:13:06 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.1, read from environment

2:13:06 PM: Started restoring cached ruby version

2:13:06 PM: Finished restoring cached ruby version

2:13:08 PM: Using ruby version 2.7.1

2:13:08 PM: Using PHP version 5.6

2:13:09 PM: No npm workspaces detected

2:13:09 PM: Started restoring cached node modules

2:13:09 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules

2:13:09 PM: Started restoring cached go cache

2:13:09 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache

2:13:09 PM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64

2:13:09 PM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64

2:13:09 PM: Installing missing commands

2:13:09 PM: Verify run directory

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

2:13:11 PM: Netlify Build

2:13:11 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ❯ Version

2:13:11 PM: @netlify/build 27.0.1

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ❯ Flags

2:13:11 PM: baseRelDir: true

2:13:11 PM: buildId: 62670ec49a759900091dd350

2:13:11 PM: deployId: 62670ec49a759900091dd352

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ❯ Current directory

2:13:11 PM: /opt/build/repo

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ❯ Config file

2:13:11 PM: No config file was defined: using default values.

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ❯ Context

2:13:11 PM: production

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

2:13:11 PM: 1. Build command from Netlify app

2:13:11 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

2:13:11 PM: ​

2:13:11 PM: $ npm run build

2:13:12 PM: > gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 build /opt/build/repo

2:13:12 PM: > gatsby build

2:13:16 PM: success open and validate gatsby-configs - 0.080s

2:13:16 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-plugin-google-gtag is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:16 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-source-contentful is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:16 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-plugin-sitemap is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:17 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-plugin-google-gtag is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:17 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-source-contentful is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:17 PM: warning Plugin gatsby-plugin-sitemap is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.4.1 - It requires gatsby@^4.0.0-next

2:13:17 PM: success load plugins - 1.540s

2:13:17 PM: success onPreInit - 0.046s

2:13:17 PM: success initialize cache - 0.005s

2:13:17 PM: success copy gatsby files - 0.055s

2:13:17 PM: success onPreBootstrap - 0.012s

2:13:17 PM: success createSchemaCustomization - 0.179s

2:13:18 PM: success Contentful: Sync all items - 0.174s - 8/8 46.09/s

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 7 new/updated entries

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 0 deleted entries

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 0 cached entries

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 1 new/updated assets

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 0 cached assets

2:13:18 PM: info Contentful: 0 deleted assets

2:13:18 PM: success Contentful: Fetch data (yz3pi6anpbei-master) - 0.453s

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful Home nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful Work nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful About nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful FAQ Box One nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful Faq Box Two nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful Get a Quote nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful Quote Success Page nodes

2:13:18 PM: info Creating 1 Contentful asset nodes

2:13:18 PM: success Contentful: Create nodes (yz3pi6anpbei-master) - 0.027s

2:13:18 PM: success Contentful: Process data (yz3pi6anpbei-master) - 0.033s

2:13:18 PM: success Checking for changed pages - 0.000s

2:13:18 PM: success source and transform nodes - 0.792s

2:13:20 PM: success building schema - 1.423s

2:13:20 PM: success createPages - 0.006s

2:13:20 PM: success createPagesStatefully - 0.118s

2:13:20 PM: info Total nodes: 112, SitePage nodes: 6 (use --verbose for breakdown)

2:13:20 PM: success Checking for changed pages - 0.004s

2:13:20 PM: success update schema - 0.250s

2:13:20 PM: success onPreExtractQueries - 0.002s

2:13:37 PM: success extract queries from components - 16.833s

2:14:18 PM: Killed

2:14:18 PM: /opt/build-bin/build: line 93: 1462 Killed FORCE_COLOR=1 “$netlify_build_node_bin” “$netlify_build_bin” --cwd=“$repository_root” --repositoryRoot=“$repository_root” --branch=“$branch” --siteId=“$site_id” --defaultConfig=“$default_config” --baseRelDir=“$base_rel_dir” --context=“$context” --node-path=“$user_node_path” --cachedConfigPath=“$cached_netlify_build_config_file” --api-host=“$netlify_endpoint” --token=“$netlify_token” --build-id=“$BUILD_ID” --deploy-id=“$DEPLOY_ID” --mode=“buildbot” --telemetry=“$build_telemetry” --send-status --save-config“$DATADOG_HOST” --statsd.port=“$STATSD_PORT” --functions-dist-dir=“$functions_dist_dir” --edge-functions-dist-dir=“$edge_functions_dist_dir” --cache-dir=“$cache_dir” --buildbot-server-socket=“$buildbot_server_socket” --framework=“$framework” --feature-flags=“$feature_flags” --testOpts.silentLingeringProcesses=“$SILENT_LINGERING_PROCESSES”

2:14:18 PM: Caching artifacts

2:14:18 PM: Started saving node modules

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving node modules

2:14:18 PM: Started saving build plugins

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE

2:14:18 PM: npmFinished saving build plugins

2:14:18 PM: ERR! errno 137

2:14:18 PM: Started saving pip cache

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 build: gatsby build

2:14:18 PM: Creating deploy upload records

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! Exit status 137

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR!

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! Failed at the gatsby-starter-default@0.1.0 build script.

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

2:14:18 PM: npm ERR! /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2022-04-25T21_14_18_676Z-debug.log

2:14:19 PM: Failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 137 (Search results for '"non-zero exit code: 137"' - Netlify Support Forums)

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving pip cache

2:14:18 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Started saving maven dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Started saving boot dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache

2:14:18 PM: Started saving go dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Finished saving go dependencies

2:14:18 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 137

2:14:19 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site

2:14:19 PM: Finished processing build request in 1m41.080491596s

I have the same issue, my app is considerably bigger though.

I was sure it’s about building time but you made me wonder if that’s the case?

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hi there, before we try and troubleshoot, there are many existing posts/threads on this particular error, have you read through them to see if there is anything is helpful for your situation?

1 Like

thanks for the response perry, i have looked at most threads related to this issue! the main difference i see is that the site i’m working with is quite a bit smaller than most. and it doesn’t seem to be related to any image issues.

Hey @camduffin

ELIFECYCLE is (generally) memory related. This could happen on a “small site” if the small site is processing large images for instance.

hmmm ok interesting - thank you for the response @coelmay ! i will look at doing an overhaul of any images i’m loading.

@coelmay - after completing an overhaul of image assets i was able to publish my deploy. i’ll have to ensure i continue to load as few images as possible moving forward. i swear i’ve had much larger sites on netlify (with many more, larger assets being loaded) in the past, which confused me concerning the memory issue. thanks so much for your insight!