Site not found while accessing via subdomain URL


I am having site not found error by using my subdomain. Although I have deployed my site manually without any issues in the

Please help.

If the site isn’t found, that would indicate it doesn’t exist. Can you see the site in the dashboard of your Netlify account?

Yes I can access the site in I am sure it exists, except the URL is pointing to somewhere which I dont know…

That site doesn’t appear to exist. When did you create it? How did you create it?

Hello I never create that link. This is what happened when I tried to point my subdomain to

Can anyone provide hints on this?

You didn’t create which link?

Have you followed the documentation on how to configure a custom domain for a Netlify site?

I didnt create this. And I have followed the instruction to fix it.

As mentioned, the site doesn’t exist. Are you sure that’s the link to your site?

Hi, that’s NOT the link to my site. And I have no clue why it keeps pointing to that link. I need some advise where should I start looking for the problem. Thanks.

Hi @lynnchin,

Did you rename the site? Can you clarify where you’re seeing the link to ? It seems you may have renamed the site, is this the site (you’ll need to be logged into your Netlify account)?

The issue is now fixed by my host provider.
It must be some misconfiguration on the DNS propagation settings.
