Site needs the SSL certificate extended to include the wildcard subdomains for these branch deploys: "" and ""

Hi there,

I hope all is well. I need the SSL certificates for my site, (internal netlify url:, updated to include wildcard subdomain prefixes on the branch deploy subdomains:

  • *.[](
  • *.[](

My app is multi-tenant and uses both dynamic tenant-based subdomain segments in addition to static (, www, and app).

Thanks and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help get this set.


Hi @Spencer_Marx

We’ve moved this request to the help desk and will respond soon.

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Much appreciated Elden!

Hi there @elden ! I hope all is well! Still haven’t heard from the help desk! Is this something that will show up in my email?

Thanks in advance and enjoy your evening :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Spencer_Marx your ticket was resolved on the help desk 2 days ago.

We have extended the SSL certificates for the available sub-domains.

Is this something that will show up in my email?

Kindly check the email that is associated with registered on Netlify.
If you don’t see any email, kindly check your spam or junk folder as well.

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