How does the site work locally when you run it?
Could be because you’re referring to an asset that’s no longer available. Does the site work locally on your computer?
the value is already “/”
my site locally runs fine, the problem is when i upload it to github, i assume there is a problem with the “POST” method so i tried netlify but here it shows a blank screen, ill check if all assest called are available.
You know what, this netflix project has given me a lot of trouble when deploying it so i gave up on it because 2 reasons:
its a tutorial project, im not gonna use it in my portfolio anyway although its complete, and second, im gonna create a project on my own that includes firebase as a replacement.
Thanks for trying to help me but ive spent too much time fixing this site and i need to focus on other projects.
Thanks for following up and letting us know, @AlbertoCastroF. Should you resolve this issue in the future, don’t hesitate to come back and share your steps on this thread. Good luck!
Hi everyone. I’m also encountering a blank screen. My netlify site URL is and my Github repository URL is GitHub - astral-monad/react-app.
I’ve tried setting my homepage to . in the package.json but that does not work.
Hi @westher0870,
The website appears to load fine. Have you fixed this?
Hi everyone. I’m also encountering a blank screen. My netlify site URL is and my Github repository URL is .
I tried deploying one more time and the issue was fixed. I’m not sure what the issue was before!
Your website seems to have some errors in the console:
Maybe if you can fix that, the website will load.
but in development there aren’t this errors. How can i do?
Could you run a production build locally (npm run build) and check if the issue exists or not?
I deploy in Heroku and it is working well,
That’s great to know that it worked on Heroku.
But, I just tried your repo locally and it doesn’t work there either:
I faced same issue but in my case the problem was that I was trying to connect to a server with sockets with insecure protocol, so If your app connect to a server try using wss instead of ws
Thanks for sharing this, @YashuaPervez! We appreciate it! i’m never get errors on my previous deployment dont know why this is now!!? Please help
please I’m having a similar error