the graphql Function got Runtime.ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module '@aws-sdk/client-sqs' error for, and the graphql endpoint was broken.
I have
updated the aws-sdk to v3: “@aws-sdk/client-sqs”: “^3.363.0”
To be honest, you didn’t reply to the original question, so let me please ask it again:
Why do we need to set anything in toml file (like include_files = ["./node_modules/@aws-sdk/**/*"]) when all the needed dependencies (aws-sdk/***) are installed locally in the node_modules and present in package.json?
What is the reason Netlify function correctly works with any other dependency but not with @aws-sdk?
Yeah, i know… but why we need to add in toml?
If i add aws-sdk in toml, the error is Cannot find module '@smithy/protocol-http, then when we add smithy protocol http, it asks to add another module, then another module, then another module