I have two netlify apps and I’m trying to have one be the ‘root’ of the site and the other live in a subfolder of the site.
URLS for public facing should be:
agency.eab.com (using eab-agency.netlify.app)
agency.eab.com/sales (using https://eab-sales.netlify.app)
What I want to do in the meantime while the agency.eab. com (not a typo, new users can’t have more than 6 urls ) site is being built, is to redirect agency.eab. com ==> agency.eab. com/sales and have agency.eab. com/sales show the content from eab-sales.netlify.app (but not, of course, show the netlify.app url)
I’ve got the agency.eab.com/sales part working, I just can’t seem to redirect the home page. Here’s my redirect for agency.eab.com
/sales/* https://eab-sales.netlify.app/:splat 200!
/ /sales
What do I have wrong?
Thanks for your help.