Rewrite only works with netlify dev, not in deployed environment

Hi all, I’m struggling to understand why my rewrite isn’t working.

Here is my netlify.toml:


  from = "/js/script.js"
  to = ""
  status = 200


  from = "/api/event"
  to = ""
  status = 200

The first (/js/script.js works great. The second gets a 404 response (not Plausible’s 404 page or the 404 page for my site ). Here’s my site: you can see event in the network tab 404.

However, when running netlify dev locally, the route is proxied just fine from localhost:8888/api/event to

I have the exact same setup (gatsby + plausible + proxy) running fine in Vercel, so I don’t think it’s a Gatsby issue (at first I thought maybe the /api route was getting tangled up with some gatsby functions route logic, but that doesn’t seem to be the case)

hi there, what files exist at the "" route? is there an index page in that directory?

Sorry, i should have given more context:
Plausible is a third party analytics tool. is an endpoint that their js snippet POSTs events to.

There are no files located at /api/event in my project. I just tried force = true on this and get my site’s 404 page as a response instead of the empty ‘Not found’ 404 response. Here’s a preview with force = true

Hey there, @chip-drop :wave:

Thanks for your patience here. Can you try moving

/api/event 200!

to the top of your _redirects file? My assumption is that re-ordering the redirects in the order that you want you execute them will address this. Let me know if that works! If it doesn’t, I can bring this to one of our teams to investigate further.

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Reordering the redirects in netlify.toml didn’t work, but moving all of the redirects to a _redirects file (and reordering them) did! Wish I understood why, but I’m happy enough now that it works. Thanks a ton for the suggestion!

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