Request to Extend Build Time Limit

Dear Support Team,

Please adjust the build time limit for my site ID: f22d554b-d434-4092-af9e-b268d927ed36.
Currently, the build time limit is 30 minutes.
Would it be possible to extend this limit to 60 minutes to meet the requirements of my project?

Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Best regards,


Hi, I’ve bumped the time limit for you. Please redeploy to see this take effect.

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Hi can you update my time limit to 2 hours? d31491c0-a532-4d92-ba5e-7be9b7b4e3cf

Hi, I have increased your build timeout to 2 hours! Please redeploy to see this take effect.

Hi there,

Could you please increase my build time to 2hrs please, I tried the 30min, but still not enough.

Here is my site ID: 4f0266c9-2e8a-4c57-a3b2-1d8b29986162


Hi @niel,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the build time limit to 2 hours for the site. Please redeploy to see this take effect.

Thank you @Melvin … Could you also do 2hrs on this ID please:


Thank you.

Hi @niel,

I’ve increased the build time limit on the new site you mentioned to 2 hours.

Thank you @Melvin. Could you also increase this ID to 2hrs, please? thank you.


Hi @niel,

I’ve increased the build time limit to 2 hours for site affc58b5-677e-45d1-b646-7c6ea7245af3.

Thank you @Melvin,

Can you also increase this to 2hrs please. Thanks a lot.


Hi @niel,

Apologies for the delay. I’ve increased the build time limit for site 562d8668-bfba-42ba-9b8b-c9d8f74903be to 2 hours.

Thank you @Melvin, sorry I have another one. Could you extend this to 2hrs please:


Thank you.

hi @niel :wave:t6: don’t be sorry! I have extended your site to 2 hours. Please re-deploy your site to see this take effect.