I don’t see it in the docs, but I was wondering if it’s possible to register a new domain through a CLI, the Netlify API or any other way that enables me to do it through code, and it would bill me for it on my account. Or if it will be possible in the future?
Hmm, that’s not a workflow we had considered. Do you anticipate buying enough domains that it would be worth automating? For most folks that is not a frequent operation
@fool For now it’s merely a hypothetical, but in this hypothetical I would move some of my clients or new clients to Netlify. Now there won’t be so many that I can’t handle the workload of registering their domains by hand, but it would be cool if they can pick a domain through the CMS I’m using and the request would go through “instantly” instead of having to wait for my reply!
You really want to let your clients create expenses for you directly? Some domains cost thousands of dollars (e.g. some in .blog space). I wouldn’t recommend it
If it becomes a frequent enough use case for you to consider an Enterprise subscription, we’d be happy to talk through it in more detail and ensure that it works for you, otherwise our advice will be that this use pattern is a good one to use our UI for…
Oh no that sounds like a terrible idea
If it were a possibility, I suppose I’d need a search endpoint as well to fetch the price, so I could limit the purchases or communicate to the client that I’ll be billing them for it.
Not quite at enterprise levels yet, so I’ll stick to manual operations for now!
Anyway, thanks for the back and forth!