Redirects are working, but they stay indexed in Google?


I have my *** domain redirected to my actual domain, but they stay indexed in Google?

The redirect actually works, it’s just the indexing in Google that doesn’t get removed even though I have this for months now. I’ve done a 301! redirect.



Google can be slow to catch on. I can suggest three ways to speed this up.

  1. Make sure the pages on your actual domain have a canonical meta tag.
  2. Make sure you have sitemap.xml and submit that in Google’s Search Console
  3. (This is a pain if you have a lot of pages): In Google Search Console inspect the URL and make sure you do a ‘test live version’ and a ‘re-index’ for both the canonical (actual) URL and the redirected URL.

Google’s help pages have more suggestions, but I can never remember where the info is.

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@danielfdickinson1 I’ll give it a try.

However, 3. testing and re-indexing the redirected URL won’t be possible since I don’t own the *** domain.