Receiving POST requests

Hello! I’m having an issue with POST requests.
I have a separate node.js server that will occasionally send POST requests to my netlify site. However, I have been researching for hours and am still not sure how to receive these requests? How do I, for example, take these requests and “document.write()” them? It’s just a json with a string element. This isn’t as much a Netlify question as it is an HTML question, so maybe this is the wrong place to ask it. Sorry if it is. Thanks.

Hi @johnmas2009 can you share your site name and your repo? This isn’t a netlify question but the community is open to all web dev questions. (: Hopefully you find a solution.

Hello! My site is “accontlesscord”. I’m still working on it, and am thinking of using a database such as AWS’ Dynamo DB. I’m having a hard time with it, so if anyone does know of a POST receiving solution, that would be great. Thank you!

Netlify’s static hosting doesn’t accept POST requests, try using Netlify Functions.

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