(rantish (?)) Netlify, thanks, but... (extension of 'thanks for not being scummy')

this post is kinda an extension of Thank you netlify for not being scummy

so, i personally find netlify an amazing service with an amazing community, amazing platform to expand on and to be creative, generally i love netlify, i am a netlify simp so to say


first thing that feels uneasy for me is the way netlify feels not 100% transparent, maybe usability, maybe im just an true idiot, but, i find when using features i never used before i have a hard time finding proper and solid into on things, for example id like it to be as nice as just clicking an ‘i’ button and itd take you to a new page or just give you a summary of that feature, the limits of it per plan and the pricing, emphasis on the pricing and limits part, i dont want to have a random 500 euro bill out of nowhere if i dont know that im overusing some feature

second thing, i am not a fan of how netlify started treating open source, yes, okay, netlify is definally more friendly than most companies about open source, they contribute to open source, but i, as an open source developer, am not rlly a big fan of the contribution to netlify projects part, basically, i am currently a fully open source developer as long as it comes to personal projects and most software and it also means my netlify sites and open source too, but, this year, i had to close off all contributions to it because of how netlify changed their pricing (Please read: changes to our recent pricing update), basically, contributions from open source now cost money to the site owner, which i find rlly disturbing, like i think its okay to profit off open source when you actually help with the code or something, but i mean, lets take github pull request as an example, okay, github is owned by microsoft and netlify isnt related to it, the pull request was made by a kind open source developer wanting to contribute to an open source project, nowhere did netlify come and help the code, merging also doesnt do much, but ig at least netlify is somewhat related here as it publishes to the site but like, if i push its okay but if other random developer does it – i have to pay, it’s weird and like its mainly work of the community, i feel weird the way it is now

anyway, thanks, i still think netlify is amazing, but ^

Hi @B00bleaTea :wave:t6: Welcome to the forums! :netliconfetti: I’m sorry we missed this and for the delay in response.

We greatly value your constructive feedback. The UX feedback about better in-app guidance for feature usage and pricing is golden. The support team will be surfacing this with UX internal stakeholder group to discuss so we really appreciate this.

This may be of interest to you… we have a paid opportunity where this type of feedback is requested by our UX research team. I strongly suggest you sign up for this!

Moving on to your other point about transparency in our pricing. We as a company see a need to do better and be better and have a lot of engineering and design work planned around this topic in the new year.

I think the open source plan that allows contributors’ commit to build for free. We can create a separate team for the open source project that will not be subject to the limitations you mentioned above.

All in all, thank you for this constructive feedback. We appreciate this greatly and we want to encourage our community members to voice their opinion as this is how we will create actionable feedback and build a better web! :netliconfetti:

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