Query redirect won't work in some cases

For some reason this works :

  from = "/doku.php"
  to = "/public/general/win_gui_usage/?no-query-string"
  status = 301
  force = true

but this does not:

  from = "/doku.php?id=public:general:command_line_usage"
  to = "/public/general/command_line_usage?no-query-string"
  status = 301
  force = true

Can someone tell me why? Thanks

I think what youre looking for is the query field: File-based configuration | Netlify Docs

  from = "/doku.php"
  to = "/public/general/command_line_usage?no-query-string"
  query={id = "public:general:command_line_usage"}
  status = 301
  force = true

Hope this helps!


@AaronP Yes, thanks this works. So Iā€™m assuming it checks if the query is equal to the value in the query field and then selects the redirect rule to the new site?

I believe that is correct, you can also use slugs :id to pass them onwards specifically, by default all query parameters will be passed on otherwise :slight_smile:

Have a good day!