Proxy redirect dosen't work

Sorry, I am new to this, where can I find this button?
for some reason I cant replay anymore…
but wait, I will redeploy the site

On one of the deploys listed here: Netlify App

Send the link to the one you think has the correct redirect rule but it’s not working.

Hi, this is the current deploy

What do you think I should do?

Hi @dav

I’m not seeing the netlify.toml file anywhere in your deploy. Are you sure the file exists in your repo?

@dav I created an index.html with the following

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTML</title></head><body><h1>Hi</h1></body></html>

and a _redirects with

/    200!

deployed these files and I see the proxied content.

However… the page contains dozens of errors due to CORS and other issues.
Demonstration: https://6131fcb4df6ebff30322fe1d–

So while you can proxy your site, it is sub-optimal. You would best serve yourself (not to mention those who may visit your site) by redirecting with a 301 redirect ie.

Create a _redirects with

/    301!

which is a permanent redirection to your new URL.

Yes, the file is in the repo,
Maybe it is not located in the right location?


Generally the netlify.toml is in the root of your repository.

I have located the file in the root folder of the repo, do you see it now?
this is the deploy

Yes, both pages looks the same…
the one I am redirecting from and redirecting to look the same.

Hi @dav,

This thread is getting confusing as we can’t seem to figure out what you’re doing vs what is happening. Would it be possible for you to share the repo?

I see in your screenshot that netlify.toml is in your “staging” branch. Is that the branch deployed?

Hi @aakoch,

Yes, that is the production branch of their website.