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Everything seems perfectly in place with Let’s Encrypt and the SSL certificate, yet my site is sometimes inaccessible and sometimes accessible. It keeps going up and down throughout the day, whether on Chrome, on mobile phones, or any device—it’s completely unstable. What can I do to improve this? If there were an issue with the DNS on my hosting provider’s side, I think it would never be accessible.
@GuilhemP Your domain has two A records assigned:
is Netlify’s load balancer as per:
I have no idea what
If you don’t know what it is, delete it.
Ok, Nathan, let’s try that ! But I already tried that and it didn’t change anything. But maybe, I have to wait a reasonable time to see the real effect of these mofifications.
@GuilhemP It’s unlikely to take effect immediately, you’ll need to wait for DNS propagation.
It also may not be the only issue, just something I spotted that looks wrong to me, and would explain the intermittent accessibility, depending on which IP it was resolving to.
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Yes, Thanks a lot, Nathan. You confirm to me that i just have to delete it from Ionos 1&1 where I have my domain registred ?
@GuilhemP I see only one A record in your DNS now, and your site is working for me.
Yes Nathan, you solved my problem. A BIG thank you to you for this help ! I was starting to become crazy. Have a nice day and thanks again !