Organize URL using redirects?

Hello, I just began to study about how netlify redirects works and I’m trying to organise my URL (for example: {domain name here}.com/blogs)

I’m wondering how can I add two more slash to my URL? (Like this: {domain name here}.com/blogs/project1)

Thank you. :pray:t2:


I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question fully. Are you trying to add more pages to your site that is /blog/project1? If yes, that has nothing to do with redirects, and you’d have to configure your site to build those pages.

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Hello, thank you for your reply. I think i kinda figured what was wrong. I deleted blog page and created again and the problem is solved. (odd but these kind of problems might be occur :face_exhaling:)

Solution 1: create a new folder and move to that folder your pages. (and also change directions - for example: domainname/blog.html to domainname/foldername/blog.html)

Solution 1.1: then, create _redirects file and write /blog.html /blog. Deploy your updated site to netlify, and you will see the changes. (like this: domainname/foldername/blog)

Solution 2: If the problem still persists, delete and create pages again.