One redirect of 66 isn't working

Hi all,

On our production env we have deployed 66 redirects and only one is not working and we cannot find out why.

we have a static folder containing a “_redirects” file containing some of the following:

/lynwood-grand-opening /insights/port-of-la 301
/press/first-fulltime-commercial-autonomous-operations /press/first-fulltime-autonomous-operations 301
/newsletter-signup /sign-up 301
/join-saga /saga 301
/* /index.html 200

When we deploy, we can see:

  • 66 redirect rules processed
    All redirect rules deployed without errors.

BUT there is one that isn’t redirecting

/lynwood-grand-opening should redirect to /insights/port-of-la

Neither Fast-tracking the LA region to electric freight | Einride or Fast-tracking the LA region to electric freight | Einride is redirecting.

Does anyone know what we might be doing wrong here?



Can you try a force redirect instead?
/lynwood-grand-opening /insights/port-of-la 301!

yes, that did the trick!

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