hey there, looks like you are trying to output the generated files into a directory called dist, but that directory doesn’t exist.
a.) is this the for sure right directory you want to use?
b.) what happens if you create a directory with that name and add it to your GH repo, does your build succeed in that case?
c.) here is some generic debugging informaiton that might help:
Hello, i used this tutorial Nuxt - Netlify i had to put nuxt build && nuxt export to the build command to get it working, earlier i somehow didnt care about that. But it works now! Without your method earlier, i would still be stuck
Hey guys (cc: @perry), the build logs are not showing the individual Nuxt routes being generated (and not even the details about the Client/Server or the chunks processing):
Any way to force the build on Netlify to display the full details?
I believe that the logs in the buildbot is less verbose due to having CI=true set by default. You could add an env var in the UI for CI=false and see if that gets you the more verbose logs.
Additionally, please don’t hesitate to start a new topic if your issue or question is not specifically related to an existing topic (like this one). Thanks!