Nuxt generate deployed but won't load page properly

Hello, I made an app with nuxt 3 and nuxt-content for static site. I am still new to nuxt and have some little experience with vue. here’s the link:

It works find when I open the base url and try navigating to other page. But, when I manually navigating like this. The page won’t load properly and also refresh the page cause the same issue.

I tried to nuxt generate locally. It was actually have the same issue like the deployed site. So I tried to research the problem and found forum discussed the issue.

on the discussion mention this:

The issue seems to be caused by one of the options yarn preview passes to npx serve . Instead of doing npx serve .output/public it does npx serve -s .output/public . Removing that -s from nitro.json 's command.preview allows you to reproduce and run yarn preview without any issues.

on the local machine I tried to remove the -s flag in the npx serve and it works. It solved the all the problem. But it’s only on local not the deployed in netlify. I actually don’t know if I can config that kind of stuff on the netlify ui. All I know config the build command and not like that.

For the extra part I tried deploy the site on the different deployment platform (netlify alternative). It actually works fine without any configuration.

At this rate I don’t know where the problem actually is. Maybe there is some configuration that I missed when setup. Maybe it’s the nuxt problem or maybe it’s the netlify problem with the nuxt. Let me know if you guys know this problem.

ah… Before this happen, I already made a site with nuxt 3 + storyblok and the problem was the same. Here it is the site but on the deployed I did not run npm run generate instead I ran npm run build so the problem doesn’t appear. But It kill the reason to make a static site and I don’t want to do that.

here’s the link on my nuxt storyblok deploy with nuxt generate. I found on the deploy history. Try to refresh the site when read the article or manually navigate.

lmk if there is some code or something I should show. Thanks!

Hi @DjorroDev,

Thanks for reaching out!

Could you try the Nuxt 3 build commands mentioned here:

Nuxt 3: npm run build (assuming your build command is set to nuxt build) and `dist

Let us know if using the above build command works for you.

Hi @Melvin,

yeah it’s work like a charm but it’s not static generate. nuxt build will make the site SSR. I want to make SSG with Nuxt generate but It cause some error. For now nuxt build is the temporary solution for me. Thank you for the suggestion!

Is nuxt generate or npm run generate still not support for nuxt 3 on netlify? I saw the link you gave me and nuxt generate command is for nuxt 2.

Hi @DjorroDev !

I apologize, my understanding of nuxt is not thorough. But as far as I do understand it, I think that nuxt generate is required to build a nuxt app with dynamic content, so I can’t imagine that nuxt build would work in the same way for your site?

Regardless, could you share the error you saw - preferably, a link to the build logs in our UI showing it - in case we can advise on it? No promises, but happy to try :slight_smile:

Hello @fool,

so basically what I know nuxt generate is prerendered all the site and make it static. nuxt build build the site with node server. Details explanation in the nuxt 3 documentation:

For the error here the screenshot about it:
Screenshot 2023-01-13 140020

so I assume it has some problem with the async. Just in case I am sharing my code here.

// pages/blog/[...slug].vue

<script setup>
const {path} = useRoute()
const {data} = await useAsyncData(`content-${path}`, async () => {
  let article = queryContent().where({_path: path}).findOne()
  let surround = queryContent().only(['_path', 'title', 'description']).sort({date: 1}).findSurround(path)

  return {
    article: await article,
    surround: await surround,
const [prev, next] = data.value.surround;
// console.log({ data, prev, next });

  title: data.value.article.title,
  meta: [
    { name: "description", content: data.value.article.description },
      hid: "og:image",
      property: "og:image",
      content: `${data.value.article.img}`,

  <main id="main" class="article-main">
    <header v-if="data.article" class="article-header">
      <div class="img-cont h-72 mb-12">
          class=" rounded-2xl" />
      <h1 class="heading">{{ data.article.title }}</h1>
      <p class="supporting">{{ data.article.description }}</p>
      <ul class="article-tags flex gap-2">
        <li class="tag" v-for="(tag, n) in data.article.tags" :key="n">{{ tag }}</li>
    <hr />
    <section class="article-section">
      <aside class="aside">
        <!-- Toc Component -->
        <Toc :links="data.article.body.toc.links" />
      <article class="article">
        <!-- render document coming from query -->
        <ContentRenderer :value="data.article">
          <!-- render rich text from document -->
          <!-- <MarkdownRenderer :value="data.article" /> -->

          <!-- display if document content is empty -->
          <template #empty>
            <p>No content found.</p>

    <!-- PrevNext Component -->
    <PrevNext :prev="prev" :next="next" />

<style scoped>
/* .... */

for the nuxt generate build logs here’s the link

Just in case if the link doesn’t work I’ll copy paste the log build here.

5:13:09 AM: Build ready to start
5:13:11 AM: build-image version: 898fba980b1849e728e4e37db044e92a34d57a83 (focal)
5:13:11 AM: build-image tag: v4.16.2
5:13:11 AM: buildbot version: 4eb4e2f19f4a95a34ab99250cdca027b50873c7a
5:13:11 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
5:13:11 AM: Starting to download cache of 119.5MB
5:13:13 AM: Finished downloading cache in 1.457005827s
5:13:13 AM: Starting to extract cache
5:13:14 AM: Finished extracting cache in 1.086771595s
5:13:14 AM: Finished fetching cache in 2.591387904s
5:13:14 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
5:13:14 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/main
5:13:14 AM: Parsing package.json dependencies
5:13:16 AM: Starting build script
5:13:16 AM: Installing dependencies
5:13:16 AM: Python version set to 2.7
5:13:16 AM: Started restoring cached node version
5:13:17 AM: Finished restoring cached node version
5:13:17 AM: v16.19.0 is already installed.
5:13:17 AM: Now using node v16.19.0 (npm v8.19.3)
5:13:17 AM: Enabling node corepack
5:13:17 AM: Started restoring cached build plugins
5:13:17 AM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
5:13:17 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
5:13:18 AM: Using ruby version 2.7.2
5:13:18 AM: Using PHP version 8.0
5:13:19 AM: No npm workspaces detected
5:13:19 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
5:13:19 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
5:13:19 AM: Bypassing sha validation. Running pre & post install scripts
5:13:19 AM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 8.19.3
5:13:20 AM: up to date, audited 975 packages in 1s
5:13:20 AM: 225 packages are looking for funding
5:13:20 AM:   run `npm fund` for details
5:13:20 AM: found 0 vulnerabilities
5:13:20 AM: NPM modules installed
5:13:21 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
5:13:21 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
5:13:21 AM: go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64
5:13:21 AM: Detected 1 framework(s)
5:13:21 AM: "nuxt" at version "3.0.0"
5:13:21 AM: Installing missing commands
5:13:21 AM: Verify run directory
5:13:21 AM: Section completed: initializing
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM:   Netlify Build                                                 
5:13:23 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: ❯ Version
5:13:23 AM:   @netlify/build 29.4.0
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: ❯ Flags
5:13:23 AM:   baseRelDir: true
5:13:23 AM:   buildId: 63bc9175cfdac4000877c88f
5:13:23 AM:   deployId: 63bc9175cfdac4000877c891
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: ❯ Current directory
5:13:23 AM:   /opt/build/repo
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: ❯ Config file
5:13:23 AM:   No config file was defined: using default values.
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: ❯ Context
5:13:23 AM:   production
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM:   1. Build command from Netlify app                             
5:13:23 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:13:23 AM: ​
5:13:23 AM: $ nuxt generate
5:13:23 AM: [log] Nuxi 3.0.0
5:13:23 AM: [log] Nuxt 3.0.0 with Nitro 1.0.0
5:13:23 AM: [info] [nuxt:tailwindcss] Using Tailwind CSS from ~/assets/css/main.css
5:13:24 AM: [warn] Components directory not found: `/opt/build/repo/storyblok`
5:13:29 AM: [info] Client built in 4029ms
5:13:29 AM: [info] Building server...
5:13:33 AM: [success] Server built in 3508ms
5:13:33 AM: [success] [nitro] Generated public dist
5:13:33 AM: [info] [nitro] Initializing prerenderer
5:13:35 AM: [info] [nitro] Prerendering 5 initial routes with crawler
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog (1093ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ / (12ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/cache.1673302403870.json (13ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /200.html (4ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /404.html (1ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/nuxt (26ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/content (17ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/learning (13ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/koeocheng (15ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/ketiga (15ms) 
5:13:36 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/tags/gaming (16ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/first-post (186ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/second-blog (115ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /blog/third (35ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/uP0lTQ8Gq7.1673302403870.json (6ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/1T6Fni6qTO.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/6HjxacwABz.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/NALuLmDZBb.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/7fmSKXVQFW.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/zPbMHvWwqc.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/rlyGiLBrSZ.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/r1tPpravWU.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/HLu7BLtur8.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/BpsyttnrEc.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/8EPOvRQNQ7.1673302403870.json (1ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/QdddmNONHW.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/FHkni33GAo.1673302403870.json (2ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/query/dDseaFzOAk.1673302403870.json (3ms) 
5:13:37 AM: [success] You can now deploy `dist` to any static hosting!
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM: (build.command completed in 14.2s)
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM:   2. Edge Functions bundling                                    
5:13:37 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM: (Edge Functions bundling completed in 238ms)
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM:   3. Deploy site                                                
5:13:37 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:13:37 AM: ​
5:13:37 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'dist'
5:13:37 AM: Creating deploy tree 
5:13:38 AM: Starting post processing
5:13:37 AM: 15 new files to upload
5:13:37 AM: 0 new functions to upload
5:13:38 AM: Section completed: deploying
5:13:38 AM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
5:13:38 AM: ​
5:13:38 AM: (Deploy site completed in 458ms)
5:13:38 AM: ​
5:13:38 AM:   Netlify Build Complete                                        
5:13:38 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:13:38 AM: ​
5:13:38 AM: (Netlify Build completed in 14.9s)
5:13:38 AM: Caching artifacts
5:13:38 AM: Started saving node modules
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving node modules
5:13:38 AM: Started saving build plugins
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving build plugins
5:13:38 AM: Started saving pip cache
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving pip cache
5:13:38 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Started saving rust rustup cache
5:13:39 AM: Post processing - HTML
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
5:13:38 AM: Started saving go dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
5:13:38 AM: Build script success
5:13:38 AM: Section completed: building
5:13:39 AM: Uploading Cache of size 119.7MB
5:13:40 AM: Section completed: cleanup
5:13:40 AM: Finished processing build request in 28.82773185s
5:13:43 AM: Post processing - header rules
5:13:44 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
5:13:44 AM: Post processing done
5:13:44 AM: Section completed: postprocessing
5:13:45 AM: Site is live ✨

note: All the build logs don’t have any error but the deployed site has some issue. I tried nuxt generate on local and run npx serve ./dist It works perfectly fine without any issue but not in the netlify.

I appreciate all of you guys for helping me thank you!

And this one the build log with npm run build or nuxt build command.

2:59:23 AM: Build ready to start
2:59:25 AM: build-image version: d55944c047ef0aee2ac01971edde72cb2a50acfe (focal)
2:59:25 AM: build-image tag: v4.16.1
2:59:25 AM: buildbot version: a1ec8307ac4591dcd155485cdfce7d7be735ab26
2:59:25 AM: Building without cache
2:59:25 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
2:59:25 AM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
2:59:25 AM: git clone --filter=blob:none
2:59:26 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/main
2:59:26 AM: Parsing package.json dependencies
2:59:27 AM: Starting build script
2:59:27 AM: Installing dependencies
2:59:27 AM: Python version set to 2.7
2:59:28 AM: v16.19.0 is already installed.
2:59:28 AM: Now using node v16.19.0 (npm v8.19.3)
2:59:28 AM: Enabling node corepack
2:59:28 AM: Started restoring cached build plugins
2:59:28 AM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
2:59:28 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
2:59:29 AM: Using ruby version 2.7.2
2:59:29 AM: Using PHP version 8.0
2:59:29 AM: No npm workspaces detected
2:59:29 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
2:59:29 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
2:59:29 AM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 8.19.3
2:59:32 AM: npm WARN deprecated stable@0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN:
2:59:32 AM: npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
2:59:32 AM: npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-terser
2:59:38 AM: added 948 packages, and audited 949 packages in 8s
2:59:38 AM: 221 packages are looking for funding
2:59:38 AM:   run `npm fund` for details
2:59:38 AM: found 0 vulnerabilities
2:59:38 AM: NPM modules installed
2:59:38 AM: Creating package sha
2:59:38 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
2:59:38 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
2:59:39 AM: go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64
2:59:39 AM: Detected 1 framework(s)
2:59:39 AM: "nuxt" at version "3.0.0"
2:59:39 AM: Installing missing commands
2:59:39 AM: Verify run directory
2:59:39 AM: Section completed: initializing
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM:   Netlify Build                                                 
2:59:41 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: ❯ Version
2:59:41 AM:   @netlify/build 29.4.0
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: ❯ Flags
2:59:41 AM:   baseRelDir: true
2:59:41 AM:   buildId: 63b72c1bff59310d83d8e40e
2:59:41 AM:   deployId: 63b72c1bff59310d83d8e410
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: ❯ Current directory
2:59:41 AM:   /opt/build/repo
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: ❯ Config file
2:59:41 AM:   No config file was defined: using default values.
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: ❯ Context
2:59:41 AM:   production
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM:   1. Build command from Netlify app                             
2:59:41 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:59:41 AM: ​
2:59:41 AM: $ npm run build
2:59:41 AM: > build
2:59:41 AM: > nuxt build
2:59:41 AM: [log] Nuxi 3.0.0
2:59:41 AM: [log] Nuxt 3.0.0 with Nitro 1.0.0
2:59:42 AM: [info] [nuxt:tailwindcss] Using Tailwind CSS from ~/assets/css/main.css
2:59:46 AM: [info] Client built in 3791ms
2:59:46 AM: [info] Building server...
2:59:49 AM: [success] Server built in 2732ms
2:59:49 AM: [success] [nitro] Generated public dist
2:59:49 AM: [info] [nitro] Initializing prerenderer
2:59:52 AM: [info] [nitro] Prerendering 1 routes
2:59:52 AM: [log] [nitro]   ├─ /api/_content/cache.1672948782153.json (699ms) 
2:59:52 AM: [info] [nitro] Building Nitro Server (preset: `netlify`)
2:59:58 AM: [success] [nitro] Nitro server built
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/server.mjs (1.31 kB) (493 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/package.json (4.12 kB) (1.25 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/rollup/ (111 B) (112 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/rollup/_virtual_head-static.mjs (301 B) (217 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/ (97 B) (100 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/third.mjs (59.9 kB) (4.65 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/ (103 B) (103 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/second-blog.mjs (9.25 kB) (1.98 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/ (102 B) (102 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/first-post.mjs (24.3 kB) (2.7 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/ (110 B) (105 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/content-navigation.mjs (379 B) (228 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/ (105 B) (103 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/raw/content-index.mjs (283 B) (190 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/nitro/ (121 kB) (17.3 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/nitro/netlify.mjs (116 kB) (31.8 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/handlers/ (19.9 kB) (3.46 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/handlers/renderer.mjs (16.8 kB) (5.17 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/ (1.04 kB) (371 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/error-500.mjs (4.26 kB) (1.82 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/ (993 B) (322 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/styles.mjs (1.45 kB) (462 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/ (57.8 kB) (8.43 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/server.mjs (50.4 kB) (12.6 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/ (18.2 kB) (1.6 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/client.manifest.mjs (30.9 kB) (2.53 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (320 B) (211 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/welcome-styles.fe2dfe13.mjs (12.5 kB) (2.61 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (3.64 kB) (1.02 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/utils.58b322bf.mjs (2.9 kB) (1.07 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (4.86 kB) (1.18 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Toc.cff77015.mjs (6.49 kB) (1.83 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.89 kB) (971 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Tags.4bf0fce9.mjs (4.28 kB) (1.6 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (311 B) (213 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Tags-styles.c9055cf6.mjs (2.68 kB) (773 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (329 B) (212 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/SiteHeader-styles.adebe1d8.mjs (1.31 kB) (517 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (14.2 kB) (3.21 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/query.850c7de3.mjs (11.3 kB) (3.61 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (394 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseUl.afb0ebb3.mjs (2.12 kB) (835 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (395 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseTr.4e9ba14d.mjs (2.12 kB) (837 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (914 B) (399 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseThead.fc99ac2f.mjs (2.14 kB) (836 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (395 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseTh.0e2a0fd3.mjs (2.12 kB) (836 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (395 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseTd.6b78d571.mjs (2.12 kB) (839 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (914 B) (400 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseTbody.472d958c.mjs (2.14 kB) (844 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (914 B) (401 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseTable.0b1326fd.mjs (2.14 kB) (840 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (916 B) (400 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseStrong.a1ee3a39.mjs (2.15 kB) (840 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (905 B) (393 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseP.e691d9b7.mjs (2.12 kB) (833 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (394 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseOl.2f9fcdce.mjs (2.12 kB) (834 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (395 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseLi.9d6797ab.mjs (2.12 kB) (838 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.31 kB) (493 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseImg.4debdb73.mjs (1.16 kB) (527 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (776 B) (358 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseHr.c52ca831.mjs (2.02 kB) (804 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (590 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH6.00322ba9.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (588 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH5.bf9cfe2e.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (589 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH4.875c07cb.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (589 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH3.e9e17910.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (589 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH2.c1ce95ca.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.63 kB) (589 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseH1.b7f6ca0a.mjs (2.73 kB) (1.05 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (907 B) (394 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseEm.e32add76.mjs (2.12 kB) (834 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (924 B) (403 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseCodeInline.75ea3220.mjs (2.16 kB) (847 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.19 kB) (453 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseCode.e1dbbb78.mjs (2.39 kB) (912 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (325 B) (209 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseCode-styles.d65cd4ce.mjs (282 B) (191 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (924 B) (402 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseBlockquote.ecc68dad.mjs (2.17 kB) (842 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.44 kB) (581 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ProseA.81d66180.mjs (2.69 kB) (1.02 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (6.03 kB) (1.41 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/nuxt-img.0de7bc4e.mjs (6.25 kB) (1.89 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.08 kB) (457 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Markdown.42f56b8c.mjs (2.35 kB) (926 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.06 kB) (660 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/InfoBox.a2cb3334.mjs (3.51 kB) (1.22 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (320 B) (210 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/InfoBox-styles.51aad389.mjs (1.42 kB) (526 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.53 kB) (584 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/index.ededa44c.mjs (3.29 kB) (1.34 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (6.17 kB) (1.51 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/index.0525edaa.mjs (9.39 kB) (2.32 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (314 B) (212 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/index-styles.91097b2e.mjs (3.27 kB) (947 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (4.04 kB) (1.15 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Icon.e8ff2eb4.mjs (5.02 kB) (1.65 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (310 B) (209 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/Icon-styles.d9348b9c.mjs (310 B) (214 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.33 kB) (794 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/error-component.fd3c32c4.mjs (2.01 kB) (894 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (1.71 kB) (605 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/error-500.8cf0f69e.mjs (4.08 kB) (1.68 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (326 B) (215 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/error-500-styles.44debd55.mjs (2.22 kB) (864 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.37 kB) (792 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/error-404.22c88e10.mjs (4.94 kB) (1.97 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (326 B) (216 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/error-404-styles.956de7dd.mjs (3.92 kB) (1.25 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (649 B) (351 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/DocumentDrivenNotFound.b4d3af5a.mjs (616 B) (354 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (933 B) (430 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/DocumentDrivenEmpty.b1426f16.mjs (805 B) (454 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.8 kB) (910 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentSlot.fded902a.mjs (3.67 kB) (1.34 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (10.9 kB) (2.55 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentRendererMarkdown.e580dc9d.mjs (9.81 kB) (2.94 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.8 kB) (837 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentRenderer.f3b58713.mjs (3.75 kB) (1.33 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (5.35 kB) (1.11 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentQuery.3fff6bcc.mjs (6.03 kB) (1.7 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (33.6 kB) (5.18 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentNavigation.9a206db5.mjs (126 kB) (22.8 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (2.22 kB) (717 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentList.349d13bd.mjs (3.3 kB) (1.2 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (5.24 kB) (1.33 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ContentDoc.fd8c42b2.mjs (6.12 kB) (1.94 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (284 B) (209 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/composables.f8528b3e.mjs (211 B) (173 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (13.5 kB) (3.16 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/client-db.a47d7450.mjs (12.4 kB) (3.71 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (7.27 kB) (1.71 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/_slug_.862ae1e3.mjs (11 kB) (2.47 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (317 B) (211 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/_slug_-styles.ebb222e6.mjs (3.28 kB) (949 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (3.98 kB) (1.17 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/_...slug_.23620a17.mjs (5.75 kB) (1.96 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   ├─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/ (326 B) (214 B gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log]   └─ .netlify/functions-internal/server/chunks/app/_nuxt/_...slug_-styles.0841337d.mjs (12.8 kB) (2.15 kB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: 
3:00:01 AM: [log] Σ Total size: 29.2 MB (9.75 MB gzip)
3:00:01 AM: ​
3:00:01 AM: (build.command completed in 19.9s)
3:00:01 AM: ​
3:00:01 AM:   2. Functions bundling                                         
3:00:01 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:01 AM: ​
3:00:01 AM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
3:00:01 AM:  - server/server.js
3:00:01 AM: ​
3:00:05 AM: ​
3:00:05 AM: (Functions bundling completed in 4.1s)
3:00:05 AM: ​
3:00:05 AM:   3. Deploy site                                                
3:00:05 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:05 AM: ​
3:00:05 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'dist'
3:00:05 AM: Creating deploy tree 
3:00:05 AM: 2 new files to upload
3:00:05 AM: 1 new functions to upload
3:00:14 AM: Section completed: deploying
3:00:14 AM: Starting post processing
3:00:14 AM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
3:00:14 AM: ​
3:00:14 AM: (Deploy site completed in 9.1s)
3:00:14 AM: Post processing - HTML
3:00:14 AM: ​
3:00:14 AM:   Netlify Build Complete                                        
3:00:14 AM: Post processing - header rules
3:00:14 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:14 AM: ​
3:00:14 AM: (Netlify Build completed in 33.3s)
3:00:14 AM: Caching artifacts
3:00:14 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
3:00:14 AM: Started saving node modules
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving node modules
3:00:14 AM: Started saving build plugins
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving build plugins
3:00:15 AM: Post processing done
3:00:14 AM: Started saving pip cache
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving pip cache
3:00:14 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
3:00:15 AM: Section completed: postprocessing
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Started saving rust rustup cache
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
3:00:14 AM: Started saving go dependencies
3:00:14 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
3:00:15 AM: Build script success
3:00:15 AM: Section completed: building
3:00:16 AM: Uploading Cache of size 120.0MB
3:00:17 AM: Section completed: cleanup
3:00:17 AM: Finished processing build request in 52.731730382s
3:00:19 AM: Site is live ✨

Sorry, I’m still a little confused with your setup. Is there a specific reason why you wish to use nuxt generate? Based on the errors in your code, it appears you’re interested in using the API routes in Nuxt, which need a server-side functionality to exist. nuxt build should be the way to go.

If you are determined to use only nuxt generate, you should refactor your code to remove any dependency on any server-side stuff.

As far as I know it fine. I am using nuxt content for the querying the blog I have. It should be fine with the api routes because nuxt generate will crawl all the links and prerendered all the site including the api routes. If this still an issue, maybe you right and I will rework my code to remove any server side stuff. This can be the last solution.

What I know about this problem is…
Nuxt has open issue about spa fallback falling, I managed to found the exact problem I have on github discussion.

It said mostly the issue happens locally at npm run preview, but if it’s happen on live environment. It has something to do with the configuration. I am not sure but, I think is it redirect and rewrite rules? I actually have no idea about redirect and rewrite. I couldn’t find the configuration on netlify ui. It must be _redirects file to make the rules, right?

Hi everyone,
It looks like I found the issue and manage to solved it. It really complicated for me to explain but in the end I put empty _redirects file and it fix the fallback issue. No more blinking page or hydration mismatch when refresh. I think adding empty _redirects detect netlify for static site so it solved it.

For my blog post in console said api routes error was because there is querying routes problem on nuxt cause by trailing slash in the end of url. I manage to make workaround and fixed it and everything works perfectly fine.

Hi @DjorroDev :wave:t6: ,

Welcome back to the forums! Thank you for sharing what helped you get unstuck. I hope this helps developers in the future who encounter similar issues. Good luck and happy building! :rocket: :smile:

This does not appear to be fixed and I believe is related to netlify’s default redirects / file serving.

From what I can tell, running nuxt generate does build all the files correctly, including API routes. Running nuxt preview which serves those files locally also works fine.

But when deployed to netlify, for some reason the generated api request files (which I confirmed to exist in the build) are not being served, and fallback to a 404 route :frowning:

Those files are at paths like /api/_content/query/2uDAsX7uIV.1674582298454.json. The frontend requests them with some query params as well, but hitting the file directly without the query params does not make a difference.

I believe we need to configure netlify’s redirects to say “if a file at this path exists, serve it” but as I believe this is the default behaviour, I’m not quite sure what the solution is. Some help from the netlify team would be much appreciated. @SamO @hrishikesh

Hey @theo,

Could you please mention how to reproduce the issue?

Ok so I have now solved this issue, the problem is that you need to change the build command in Netlify to “npm run build” and not generate. In my Nuxt config I also have “target: static”. While this is not correct as per Nuxt docs, because if you want a static site you should use “npm run generate” (and you don’t need the “target: static” setting) but perhaps Netlify hasn’t updated their deploy tool.

1 Like
  1. Create a Nuxt3 site npx nuxi@latest init nuxt3-content-test -t content.
This gives you the following base project.
├── app.vue
├── content
├── node_modules
├── nuxt.config.ts
├── package.json
├── pages
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── public
├── server
└── tsconfig.json

NOTE You can run npm generate and see what will be the output artifacts (pre-rendered static html/js/css).

  1. Add a netlify.toml and list the /.output folder as the publish directory.
# ./netlfiy.toml
base = "."
command = "pnpm generate"
publish = ".output/"

Netlify platform will not serve these properly.

There is also an issue with Netlify platform not being able to read/find server.mjs if this is built into a SSR package instead. (the latter can be done with npm build --preset=netlify. The following output is esm but netlify is looking for server.js (cjs format).

# ./netlfiy.toml
base = "."
command = "pnpm build"
publish = "dist/"
❯ tree -L 1 .netlify/functions-internal/server                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
├── chunks
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── server.json
├── server.mjs

2 directories, 4 files

Locally building and serving we can see the error is unfound module path because that does not exist.
{errorType":"Error","errorMessage":"Cannot find module /{{REDACTED FULL PROJECT PATH}}/.netlify/functions-serve/.unzipped/server/server.js'\nRequire stack:\n- /home/{{REDACTED_USER}}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/lambda-local/build/lambdalocal.js" ...}

I tried your steps and your configuration seems incorrect. This is my deploy: Page Not Found (662500d0b7c8a1a5c05bbb79– and based on Nuxt logs, I’m supposed to deploy dist:

Here are the deploy logs: Deploy details | Deploys | f-82950 | Netlify and my commit: hrishikesh-k/f-82950 at 95190291870f0dcfa07c1ecc186c03f3dde30457 (

As for the second issue, that also seems to work fine:

It is unclear to me what you are saying is incorrect. If I visit your deploy logs I do see where it says to deploy static using ./dist. Is that what you have deployed to your main deployment? I do see those pages seem to work. I will have to check my production build on an actual project.

Can you please for future readers also include what your deployment configs are (which Node version on Netlify environment, did you deploy via cli or github connection, etc)

@hrishikesh I think I have more information that’s causing my specific error that is related to this. My project configuration is bundling and outputting ESM modules into the .netlify/functions/server folder. The specific bundled file is output as *.mjs but Netlify is looking for *.js. I’m not sure if this is Nuxt or Netlify preparing this filename. Can anyone give insight here? This one small file name issue is the only blocker from properly serving the project on Netlify.

(Netlify Build completed in 39.7s)

◈ Static server listening to 3999

   │                                                 │
   │   ◈ Server now ready on http://localhost:8888   │
   │                                                 │

◈ Rewrote URL to /.netlify/functions/server
Request from ::1: GET /.netlify/functions/server

◈ Function server has returned an error: Cannot find module '/{{FULL PATH TO PROJECT ROOT}}/.netlify/functions-serve/.unzipped/server/server.js'
Require stack:
- /{{USER $HOME DIR}}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/lambda-local/build/lambdalocal.js

If I manually change the output name (server.mjs > server.js) just to see the module get resolved I now get the following:

Response with status 500 in 16 ms.
◈ Rewrote URL to /.netlify/functions/server
Request from ::1: GET /.netlify/functions/server

◈ Function server has returned an error: require() of ES Module /{{FULL PATH TO PROJECT ROOT}}/.netlify/functions-serve/.unzipped/server/server.js from /{{USER $HOME DIR}}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/lambda-local/build/lambdalocal.js not supported.
Instead change the require of server.js in /{{USER $HOME DIR}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/lib/node_modules/netlify-cli/node_modules/lambda-local/build/lambdalocal.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.

Can Netlify not handle ESM should the server output be only common js format?

I don’t know the “why” here but I found something out. The nuxt build was not producing an index.html which leads to 404 in production. I’ve had to add the following to my nuxt.config to get things working:

//... etc
  generate: {
    routes: ['/'],

Yeah. If Nuxt asks me to deploy dist, is there a reason not to do so?

Node version is the current default (as I created a brand new site): Node 18 and it’s deployed via git.

Netlify support ESM with Functions v2 as far as I’m aware. With v1 (which Nuxt uses), even if you write ESM, we would handle the CJS conversion for you.

This brings me back to the point that, please give a reproduction repo.