Nothing will Deploy at all

my site name is fastidious-quokka-4515e0

I have one project, that project in netlify, that has one intial deploy. Im getting the “enqueued: awaiting capacity” which from the docs i gather to mean that there is a que and its waiting for other builds to finish. When i open the que, there is nothing there apart from my singular deploy.
I am new to this, i do not know what i can attach to this post to help. Its a simple website with node js.

In the “Team Build Status” card, it says that there are 0/1 concurent builds running.
Please let me know

Hi @rockyhenderson,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

Sorry about the issue. I’ve canceled the build and you should be good to go. Could you let us know if you run into this issue again?