Custom domain:
I’ve tried the form on both sites and when I press Enter to submit the form it just goes to Page Not Found. I have also gone through the support guide but it still isn’t working. I’m using React (via Reagent) btw.
When I inspect my site, the form’s HTML appears like this:
<form name="email-address" method="POST" netlify="" data-netlify="true" data-netlify-honeypot="bot-field" action="/">
<label class="text-base">E-mail address:
<input type="email" name="email" style="background-color:var(--bg-color); border-bottom:1px solid var(--fg-color-light);" id="front-form" class="w-full">
What’s strange is I am only setting netlify=""
in my code and yet both it and data-netlify
appear in the inspector. The support guide says the attributes should disappear after processing, so I shouldn’t be seeing either, right?
Here’s a copy of my Hiccup/Reagent code which might be useful:
[:form {:name "email-address"
:method "POST"
:enctype "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
:netlify ""
:on-submit (fn [] (reset! submitted? true))}
[:label "E-mail address: "
[:input {:type "hidden" :value "email-address" :name "some-form-name"}]
[:input#front-form {:type "email" :name "email"}]]]