NG02100 after deploying front whilst in local no errors occur

I just deployed an updated version of the project we’re working on but looking at the preview, all is messed up!

It shows this error in the console:

ERROR Error: NG02100
    at Vi (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:622245)
    at ae.transform (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:623858)
    at R.formatDate (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:136610)
    at I.formatDateIfDatum (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:53950)
    at Pe (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:50655)
    at R6.runInContext (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:698297)
    at Z6 (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:700542)
    at Ol (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:710022)
    at hd (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:711225)
    at ud (main.0b1eb48283e84704.js:1:711058)

but there are no errors in the deploy log.

And now its not showing the preview at all!

Any help would be great, thank you!

@tcudjoe Are you working with Angular, Googling that error code indicates it’s Angular related:

This one indicates the same thing you’ve described where the project works fine locally but not when published:

You may find your solution in one of those threads, or by Googling around.

Thanks Nathan for the links!

We looked over them and we found that it really helped us along to fix it.

It is fixed now!