Nextjs 13 Dynamic routing to single view page error 500

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Hello,i created a website and a blog, and also single blog pages with dynamic routing Nextjs 13 , in the local everything is working fine,it build without any error, but after i deployed in netlify when im routing to blog/id is giving me error 500 .Help me please someone cuz in the local is not giving any error is working fine so i dont have any idea how to fix it.

Here it is online website : (so try routing to any single blog page and it will give you error 500 )

Here it is project in github :

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Hi are you still experiencing this issue? I’m not seeing an 500 error on your site. Please let me know if you are in need of assistance.

Hi ,yeah when you route to single view page : it will give you error 500

Please read:

so i need to install netlify cli and past this : netlify env:set __NEXT_PRIVATE_PREBUNDLED_REACT next
Set environment variable __NEXT_PRIVATE_PREBUNDLED_REACT= next in the all context ? cuz i dont understand ,never had a similar problem before

No, there’s no solution for that issue right now. That’s what the entire thread is about.