I’m having an SSR problem with my site here: https://butwillitscale.com/posts/lets-party
The Let’s Party page is giving a 404 only when I server-render the route. When I visit it via a client-side transition, it works fine.
Original source repo: https://github.com/jplew/netlify-blog/blob/master/pages/posts/[slug].tsx
This is a problem only in production on Netlify. I don’t see this in my dev environment.
Furthermore, this seems to be unique to Netlify, because the exact same commit works fine on Now.sh: https://netlify-blog.now.sh/posts/lets-party
I’m thinking the culprit is in here:
PostPage.getInitialProps = async ctx => {
const {
query: { slug }
} = ctx
if (slug) {
const post = await import(`../../content/posts/${slug}.md`)
return { post }
return {}
I’m hoping someone could shed light on why this would fail on Netlify but work on another serverless host, Now.