Hey there,
I got 2 netlify app, on the same domain (lets call it example.com):
- first one let’s call it MainWebSite, which is static generated website with gatsby, on its own domain.
- second one let’s call it SecondWebSite, which is a next.js website with SSR, app router and middleware
MainWebSite redirects some urls on SecondWebSite with _redirect file like:
/fr/blabla https://my-app.netlify.app/fr/blabla 200
when I go to https://my-app.netlify.app/fr/blabla, the ssr function works, and the middleware works fine on the edge function, i got logs and no issue on the website.
When i go to https://example.com/fr/blabla, the redirect works, the ssr function of SecondWebSite works, but the middleware and edge function are never called.
Do you know who I can fix this ?
Thanks, Alex