My Next.js middleware doesn’t pass the request body to the next API route correctly. The issue arises with the “hasRequiredFields” function within the middleware, which checks for required fields in the body. This problem occurs when this function is called before reaching the next API route, but it’s specific to the Netlify server, not my local setup.
This is the middleware.ts located in the root of the Next.js app:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server"
export default async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
const endpoint: Endpoint | undefined = endpoints.find(
endPoint => endPoint.path === req.nextUrl.pathname
if (!endpoint) {
return forbid("Path not found")
if (endpoint.requiredFields) {
const hasFields = await hasRequiredFields(req, endpoint)
if (!hasFields) {
return forbid("Missing required fields")
return allow()
const hasRequiredFields = async (req: NextRequest, endpoint: Endpoint) => {
// When this is called, the API route (req.nextUrl) which is transferred by allow() method receives an empty body
// This only happens on Netlify, not on localhost
const body = await req.json()
return !endpoint.requiredFields || endpoint.requiredFields.every(field => field in body)
const forbid = (message: string) => {
return new NextResponse(JSON.stringify({ message }), {
status: 403,
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json"
const allow = () => {
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json"
export const config = {
matcher: ["/api/foo/:path*"]
interface Endpoint {
path: string
requiredFields?: string[]
const endpoints: Endpoint[] = [
path: "/api/foo/bar",
requiredFields: ["foo"]
This is the the API route code:
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"
const handler = async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
// "body" is empty on Netlify, when "hasRequiredFields" method is called in "middleware.ts
// This only happens on Netlify, not on localhost
const { body } = req
res.status(200).json({ message: body })
export default handler
Can you tell me how I can see those logs? I attempted to use the ‘MiddlewareRequest’ object, but I encountered an error that says, MiddlewareRequest only works in a Netlify Edge Function environment. Does this mean I can only use the middleware within a Netlify Edge Function?
Those logs are visible in your Edge Function logs. In the left navbar, go to Logs > Edge Functions.
Could you share where you got that error? I tried your codebase myself and did not run into that.
Middleware runs on Netlify Edge Functions, so yes. You can use it on Lambda, but it’s not going to work as you expect, so we should not consider it valid here.
Yes, it is possible to view function logs for branches other than the main branch.
To find functions on another deploy, you can use the search field at the top of the list on your site’s Functions page. You can start typing to jump to a particular branch, or find a Deploy Preview by number.
If you are looking for function logs for a specific deploy, you can access them by going to the Function logs tab of the Netlify Drawer in a collaborative Deploy Preview.