Next Image stopped working


My website stopped showing images using Next JS Image component, without any code change since previous deploy:

Build log is ok:

10:53:06 AM:   {
10:53:06 AM:     from: '/img/inicio/home-carrusel-01.jpg',
10:53:06 AM:     to: '/img/inicio/home-carrusel-01.jpg',
10:53:06 AM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
10:53:06 AM:     status: 200
10:53:06 AM:   },

Error shown on browser console:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()

Hi @andresvo, thanks for posting.

The error above includes a link to the image in the Chrome Dev Tools Console. When you click on the link you get the response

Invalid source image path

Why This Error Occurred

In your next.config.js file you provided an invalid config for the images field.

Kindly visit the Official Next.js Documentation link below to learn how to resolve the problem.

Hope this helps.

@clarnx Thank you for your reply. I ckecked my config file and I think it’s valid:

module.exports = {
	i18n: {
		locales: ["es"],
		defaultLocale: "es",
	images: {
	  formats: ['image/webp'],

Everything worked well yesterday, and works on Vercel as well.

I’m getting the exact same issue today

Hi @andresvo, thanks for the extra feedback.

Just want to find out if it worked previously on Netlify as well.

Yes, it was working until this morning (~2 hours ago), on Netlify.

I am also having same error. Pls how did you resolve this?

@Tosinkoa I uploaded the site to Vercel

As a temporary measure I’ve restored to the last known working deployment

Hello @Tosinkoa, since you are also experiencing the same issue as @andresvo and @Freestyle, my guess is that it is a general problem.
I can’t actually tell what might be causing the issue since there could be so many reasons for Next.js images not displaying on Netlify.
However once the support engineers are notified I am sure they will definitely work on fixing the problem.


Did it work when you switch back to your last deployment? @Freestyle

yes, but i had to find the last known working deployment build which was a few back. But that makes sense, as its not building anything, so if Next <Image service is broken, then this wouldn’t solve it long term

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If you guys could complain about this too in Nextjs server on discord, they might help us out. Here is Nextjs discord server link

whats the channel in discord? only got #introductions

We are experiencing the same issue

Hi folks, if you are currently experiencing this can you please share a URL to your site as well as your repo if it is public? This will help us investigate the problem further. Thanks!

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Hi @hillary . My repo is private, the URL is

Same issue for me. Just spent the last couple of hours debugging.

http response is:

“Invalid source image path”

If your looking for a fix that isnt switching to vercel, you can temporarily set up and change your provider to Cloudinary in next.config.js

Not ideal, hopefully this is fixed soon or I’ll move my sites to vercel :man_shrugging:

Hi folks, thanks so much for your patience.

We’ve released v 4.24.3 of our next.js runtime with a fix, and it will be automatically used for all new deploys. Please re-deploy and let me know if you are still encountering obstacles.